Part 3- Cafeteria

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Part 3-

Brodies POV

I woke up and looked at the time, it was 6:00am.

I got up an made my way tothe kitchen and had my breakfast.

For breakfast I had sultana bran. Boring. I know.

After I finished breakfast I went down the hall and into my room I changed into a v-neck that was purple and the whole back of it was only covered by black lace I wore black parachute pants and black and purple supras.

When I was dressed I did my makeup and hair.

"let's go!" mum yelled

"Okay!" I yelled back

We got into my mums kluger and drove to school

We arrived at school I said thanks, got out of the car and walked to our table where I met Caite

"sooooooooooooooo you gonna tell Zac about Justin?" she asked

"Zac insn't coming today Coz he's gotta go to the dentist" I replyed

We walked to our lockers as the warning bell went.

I saw Justin follow me.

"why you following me?" I asked

"my locker is next to yours" he said

"Oh great" I muttered

"by the way looking good today" he called out as he left his locker

I rolled my eyes and walked to science

When I got to science Emily must have know that I'm in her science class so I had to sit next to Bieber as I was late and that was the only spot left.

"hey sexy" he said as I sat down

"in your dreams" I said as I gave him the 'get real' look

"you already are" he said

"You're such a lying player" I said covering my mouth in shock at what such a mean thing I just said

"feisty, AND tasty" he said licking his lips

I rolled my eyes and then the bell rang I was walking out of class and Justin ended up being beside me as I reached the door

"ladies first" I said to justin motioning him to the door

At the cafeteria I someone hugging me from behind I turned around and it was........! :( Justin...

"come here" I said with a plan

I got up on my tip-toes and my lips were just millimeters away from mine and I put my hands in the back of his pants

"I want you too" I said innocently as he had a cheesy smile on his face

I now was just about to 'kiss' him and I gave him a wedgie as he screamed like a girl

"Don't touch me again" I whispered in Justins ear

I walked away with my food and sat down to eat then stood up again everyone clapped and cheered as I blew kisses and bowed.

"thank you! thank you!" I said


Please tell me what you think so far!! :)

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