Part 28

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Part 28

Heidi's POV

All of a sudden everything that was in my vision shut down..............

Brodie's POV

I was about to park when a gold kluger infront if me got majorly hit by a car that was speeding.

I grabbed my phone and quickly called the ambulance.

About 30 seconds later the ambulance arrived and started to rescue the driver out of the kluger.

I walked to the kluger and as they were carrying out the driver if the kluger I took a glimpse if who it was....

I froze as I saw who it was. I fell to the ground and I started bawling my eyes out.

Justin came and picked me up and carried me to the school terrace.

"it's ok. It'll be alright" he said with tears rolling down his face

I kept crying as I thought of who the driver was.

It was Heidi.

I shot up, wiped my tears away and ran to my car.

I got in, fastened my seatbelt and Havana came to the car window

I put down the window and simply said

"get in, Heidi is at the hospital."

She had a shocked look on her face but raced into the passenger seat.

I practically sped to the hospital and when we arrived I hopped out, shut the car door, ran to the hospital but I froze at the door.

"what? What's wrong Brodie? Come on, let's go, please lets see if heids is alright, cmon" she said taking my hand.

Havana's POV

"I would like to see if Heidi Cullen is alright" I asked the receptionist squeezing Brodie's hand.

"relation to Heidi?" she asked

"sisters," I lied

"ok come right this way, I will let you see her doctor" she took us to a room with three chairs

A tall man with orange hair and glasses came in and sat in the chair opposite from our chairs.

"is she ok?" I say straight up

"Heidi has suffered very a serious accident and an accident like this," he pauses

"causes death" a tear rolls down my cheek and I look over at Brodie who is literally saturated with tears

"but," we are shocked that there is a 'but'

"Heidi, is a very strong, lucky, young lady and she is in a coma right now and is on life support." he says

Now we are both crying tears of happiness

*knock knock knock* someone knocks on the door.

The doctor gets up to open it and it is all the gang

Brodie's POV

Justin and the gang comes in and I run to justinand hug him so tight he probably can't breathe.

"she's gonna be okay" I say

He leans in and his forehead touches mine

"I love you" Justin says

"I love you, too" I reply

We kiss long and passionately everyone in the room I can feel they are all in awe.

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