Part 40

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Part 40

Brodie's POV

I sit down at the study chair and munch on my apple. I take my song writing book and open it to the song I'm working on.

"hmm what can be the bridge?" I say to myself

I start to sing random.

"nothing can beat me nothing can beat me, oh oh oh yeah yeah mmm hmm. I am the strongest I am the most powerful I am the biggest and tallest and I am unstoppable!"

Yeah! I scribble it down and then open my laptop.

I open word and type my lyrics in.

After I had finished, I opened Sibelius and started to do notes and put lyrics to them.


I walk into my own mini studio that is next to my study and put my music on the stand in front of me.

I turn on the microphone and start to record.

"nothing beats the dolphins in the ocean, nothing beats the people on the earth, so nothing beats the lions in the savanah, so nothing so nothing so noooothing so nothing so nothing do noooothing beats me!"

Once I had finished all of the verses and the bridge I finished off the rest and started recording some notes on my guitar.


"Hey babe, whats for dinner?" I ask Justin as I walk in the kitchen

"I don't know! But, I'm cooking" he replied

"then what's that you're cooking?" I refer to the pot of something that he is stirring on the stove.

"I don't know."

"whats in it?"

"I dont know,"

"okay!" I walk off and to my bedroom.

I go to the bathroom and strip and get into the shower.

I feel the warm water run down my back. I rinse the soap off and turn the water off.

I get out and wrap my towel around me and I walk out and to my walk in wardrobe.

I get out my Justin bieber pj's (haha) which Justin bought for me last year for Xmas.

I got him some Brodie Mitchelmore boxers (haha) for Xmas last year too. I got them specially made because Brodie Mitchelmore pj's are usually only girl ones.

I put them on and get my fuzzy black and white UGG boots and put them on. I walk down stairs and see that Justin is burning himself which is causing him to yell and scream.

"f****ing Hell!!" he yells

I run in and his hands have band aids and bandages on them and what not.

"honey, let's clean this mess up and we'll order some pizza. Ok?" I go up to him

"yeah, okay," his pecks my lips and we start to clean up.

He washes the dishes and I dry them. We put them away and Justin wipes the benches.

I go to the phone and dial the pizza place number.

"hello, how can I help you? This is Angie from Pizza Hut." a nasally voice said from the other end of the phone.

"oh hello, can I please order one supreme pizza please."

"yes it will be there in about five minutes"

I hang up and go to the lounge room and sit on the couch. I lye down and turn on my phone.

I see that I have five new messages:::

- hey lol guess what?! I'm am now dating Niall Horan! yay yay yay yay yay!! I love him thanks for talking to him! Love Heidi

- hay Liam just asked me out! I said yes!! Love Emi

- zayn asked me to b his gf!! I said "duh! Of course I will!" lol. Love Madi

- guess who my new bf is?! Harry! Love Ana

- Louis asked me out!! We r going out tonight and we r an item now lol yay! Love Caite.

::: even though we are all 24 now they still act like complete teenagers!

wow the lads must have planned it! All asking them out at once! I relied a simple "coolios!!" just to make them happy.

*ding dong* I hear the doorbell

I put my phone away and go to the door.

I open the door and a tall guy with blonde hair, blue eyes and non tanned skin opens the door.

"here's your piz- Brodie???!!! Is that you?" he says

Omigosh it's Angus!

"Angus?! Omigosh! Hi! How are you?!" I reply surprised.

Justin comes out and looks at Angus like he's something to eat! Wait, no he's looking at the pizza.

Justin grabs the pizza and takes it inside not even saying thanks or even hi.

"Justin!" I yell as he walks off

"that's rude!" I go off to get him.

I find him in the kitchen getting two plates out and opening the pizza box.

"Justin! You come out here right now and say hello to Angus! You are such a pig sometimes!" I grab him by the arm and drag him away from the 'precious' pizza.

We go out to the front and Angus is waiting patiently for Justin to say something.

I elbow Justin and he yells "ow!" I signal him to say something with my eyes but he just shrugs.

"hello nice to see you again, Justin." Angus speaks up

"oh um yeah you too" they shake hands.

"well nice seeing you again but I gotta rush. " angus says

"that's okay so maybe we'll call so we can all meet up for lunch. "

"Yeah, here" angus passes Justin a piece of paper.

Justin opens it and it's a number.

"I'll see you soon, bye!" I say

"bye!" angus walks to his car.

"bye!" Justin yells but angus has already gone.

I laugh "what?" Justin asks curious.


We go back inside and get some

Pizza and decide to watch our favorite movie, The Notebook.

Justin turns it on and we snuggle up

On the couch.

I secretly send him a message::


:: he sends one back as soon as he receives it::



Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!

love Brodie


If you lot like this story, please go and read "Everything You Need to Know About Boys" its my newest story about my love life :) please please read!

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