Part 21

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Part 21

Bradley's POV

Brodie tips milk on my head and gets up and walks over to Bieber head and the cafeteria goes silent as they get closer.

They meet and are both smiling.

The student are now getting louder in a chant " kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss " they say but suddenly they are all shouting random things.

" show us a little something"

" Justin kiss her"


"kiss please"

"don't kiss Brodie! Kiss me Justin!!"

"Brodie kiss me"

"kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss"

Brodie places her arms around his neck and Justin puts his hands on her waist and pulls her closer.

The students be quiet and I get up and go to the door. I stop at the door and turn around.

The two of them lean in and kiss long and passionately....

" oh p*** off, Justin!" I yell

They break apart and he let's go of Brodie and steps infront of Brodie and walks towards me...

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" he says angrily

I grab a napkin and wipe myself down.

"I said, p*** off!!" I yell louder

Brodie runs up to Justin and tries to stop him but he hits her and she falls down to the ground.

Wait... He hits her?? Noooooooo he didn't

Brodies POV

He hit me!

The pupils gasp and start whispering to eachother

" brodie! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I-"Justin says but I cut him off

" it's over!!"

"What?" he asks

"yes, justin you hit me so no just go away I never want to see you ever again!" I scream at him with tears gushing down my face.

I get up and run to Bradley

He hugs me tight as I cry into his chest.

"Brodie," Justin tries to talk to me but Ryan speaks up

" dude not cool man, you hit her, don't try to cover it up man, not cool" he joins Bradley and I

"dude no, you cant do that" Christian says and joins us aswell

"man, nope you're on your own this time. You went too far" Chaz walks over to us

The four boys hug me tight and Justin walks over to us but the whole cafeteria full of people block him from getting to me.

I walk out with Heidi Caite Emily and jasmine I go to my locker and get my stuff and leave

Kiara approaches me before I leave the school ground. Kiara is obsessed with eyes for some weird reason.

"hey um sorry to bug you but you're lucky to have Justin and he obviously didn't realize that it was you stopping him from hitting Bradley and you should give him a chance and just talk to him. And I love his eyes!" she says

"thanks for the advo but he hit me! And by the way, kiara, you can have his eyes, infact, you can have him!" I run away crying

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