Part 17

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Part 17

Christians POV

Ooo sexy beautiful gorgeus lovely kind AND feisty!

But how can I get her? I know!! No! Christian you have a sexy beautiful gorgeous lovely kind caring hot glam awesome girl friend and u like her not the all-of-those-words-and-more Brodie!

But it's so tempting!!! Oh well your happy with Heidi and she loves you!

Yes. And I love her! Now, walk away from Brodie and never turn back. Omg!!! I just cheated on heidi-babe Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will she hate mw if I tell her? Will she hate me if she finds out later that I didn't tell her?ugh so confusing

I'll just tell her.. Maybe she'll understand we all have hormones! Yeah.

I drove back to her house and knocked on the door and her mum, Gaye, opened it.

"oh Christian..." she said with hatred. She doesn't like me or Justin or Chaz or Ryan. She hates us all. "hello mrs. Cullen is Heidi home?" I ask politely annoying her a bit. "no she's-" Heidi ran in cutting her off "babe! Mum.... What's up Chrissy?" she says "um can I talk to you?" "um sure what's wrong?"

We walk into her room and she sit's at her desk and I sit on her bed. "babe, I cheated.... It wasn't my fault it was my hormo-" she slaps me then kisses me... Weird....

"as long as you're honest with me... It's ok. I'm glad you told me babe, I love you and I know you love me back. I also know that we all have hormones and although I should probably be really angry at you I'm not ok? And,-"

"shut up" I say playfully cutting her off

"I love you" I say kissing her.

"although I'd rather be here, I have yo go to work" I have a day job at the coffee club

I leave and go to work

Brodies POV

That idiot! I have to call heidi! I dial her number......

She picks up:

Heidi-hello heidstar speaking!

Me-oh um heids, um I saw Christian today and he tried to kiss me, well, he did but I slapped him hard after and then he tried again but I kicked him where it hurts....

There was a silence on the other end of the line.........



Haha cliffhanger for everyone out there reading this now if u comment I will fan u if u fan me I will vote for all if your stories if u vote for this story I will comment on all of your stories!!!!!!! Luv ya hope you're enjoying story Biiz - I3r0d¡£


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