Part 11

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Part 11

Brodies POV

I woke up and I was at a hospital in a hospital bed and all I could hear was my mum crying and Justin saying "Its all my fault" and Heidi saying "it's ok" and Caite saying things like "crap!!!!!!!!"and swearing other words.

I opened my eyes and Emily, the only one quiet noticed me awake"look!! She's up!!" she yelled smiling a smile from ear to ear.

"honey, you just fainted and hit your head" my mum said putting her hand on my head

"I'm Ok" I say standing up but Justin pushed me back down.

Then the doctor came in the room "Brodie," he said "you'll be fine, it's normal for a pregnant lady to faint" he finished.

"PREGNANT!?!?!?!" everyone yelled in sync.

"I....I....I'm p.....p.......p.....pregn..n..nant?" I stutter

Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg

I'm freaking pregnant and I'm only sixteen!!:(

A tear went down my face and Justin cuddled me. I dug my head into his chest and wrapped my arms around him tight.

I didn't want to let go ever.

I now know why justin has been ignoring me, he knew.

I pushed him away and ran out of the room and out of the hospital.

"Brodie?" I heard somebody call my name, I turned around and it was angus

Omg thank the lord! Just who I need at this awful moment, my best friend!!

"angus!" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"what's wrong?" he asked

"well.............meandjustinaredatingandilovehimsomuchandilostmyv-cardonhimandididntknowthatiwouldbepregnantsonowiamtoaselfcenteredbitch!" I say with out breath

"whoa whoa slow down" tell me slowly

"ok me and justin are dating and i love him so much and i lost my v-card on him and i didnt know that i would be pregnant so now i am to a self centered bitch!"I say again slower

"ok.... Now, why is he s self-centered bitch again?"

He asked

"He didn't tell me I could be pregnant" I say

"oh ok now I under stand!" he says nodding slowly

"Brodie!! Wait babe I'm sorry" he says running towards us

"well speaking of the devil..." I mumble to angus

"look babe.... I-" I cut him off

"now one, don't call me babe coz it's two over between us" I say sprinting away

Because we only live two blocks from the hospital I ran home.

I went to the laundry steps and got the spare key from under the pot plant and went inside locking the door behind me.

I walked to my room and decided to gave a warm shower since it was 10:00am, I stayed overnight at the hospital.

I got into the shower and had a quick rinse and then got out

I put my white bath robe on on and walked into my walk in wardrobe.

I picked out a yellow tank top and a black leather jacket, some black skinny jeans and yellow stilettos

I put my make up on and put my yellow sunnies, lipgloss, 2 bandages, my wallet and my iPhone in my yellow handbag.

I went to the study and opened a big coral box made from wood and in it was all my iPhone and iPod cases.

I got out a yellow and black zebra-striped iPhone case and closed the box and put it away.

I took the case and went back to my room. I got my iPhone out of my bag and clipped on the case to my phone.

I then put my phone back into my bag and went to my desk.

I sat down on my blue wheelie chair and got out some purple scented paper and started to write.......

Dearest Mother,

I love you dearly and I'm not mad at you, but Justin. I need to think for a while and so I'm going shopping at Stockland. If you need me call.

Love you always,



If I don't start getting votes, fans and comments then I won't finish story!

For ever comment I get I will write another chapter!

Yours always, I3r0d¡£-Brodie

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