Part 32

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Part 32

Brodies POV

It was Zac my ex boyfriend! Omigosh what is he doing here?

He smiled as we walked in

Justin went infront of me and started to yell at Zac

"why are you here?! Go away! Are you here for my girl?! P*** off!"

"I'm here for your girlfriend, no I won't go away till' I get her, yes I am here for you girl and no I just went to the bathroom, matey" he says smart-a**ily

"why?!" I jump

Out infront of Justin and go up to Zac.

"Coz I made a big mistake wen I sent this text to you that day" he held out his phone,

I read it:::

Hey I don't wanna hurt u so it's over

-Zac xo

::: a tear went down my face, I quickly wiped it up.

I gave the phone back,"why?" I say

"you never cared about me, truly" he said

"I, I, I did," I say stumbling

I actually dod care about him it was just that not like a boyfriend. As a brother type best friend sort.

"just not like that" I turned around and walked back behind Justin.

"can't we be friends?" he says

"Zac, I have to tell you this, I'm engaged to Justin and if you want to be more than just friends then we can be, but, if you want to be more than that, it just can't happen" I say

"sure, congratulations on the engagement," he shakes my hand

Zac walks out and I sot and turn the tellie on.

"he took that one well" Justin says

"yeah, now which movie do you want to watch? The Notebook or Finding Nemo?" I say

"can't we talk about this?" justin says

"what's there to talk about?" I say putting The Notebook in the disk player

"he broke your heart, Brodie, why be friends with him?" he asks a bit angry

"he is a nice person! He doesn't deserve to be left alone! I will find him a girlfriend and help him! He was close to me but I jst didn't like him like that so the day I got that text, I was crying because he was going to be alone!" I shout and leave the room.

I leave the hotel and catch a taxi to the mall

I sit on a seat in the food court and ring Janine.


"hello, speaking?" she says

"it's me, Brodie. Hows my Lola?".

"she's good but you need to visit soon or you won't be close"

"yea I'll visit tomorrow"

"I also need to talk to you about something since your mother and father and brother died in that car crash last week, ok?"

"Yep ok bye"

I hang up, my mum brother and dad were all in a car crash so I've just been living at home by myself but I've been inviting Caite or Heidi or Emily over every now and then so I'm not alone.

I look around some shops and decide to get a tattoo

I go into the tattoo shop and the lady at the front desk looks at me like I'm a celeb or something, wait, i am haha I forgot!

"hello, how can I help you?" she asks

" I would like a tattoo please" I ask politely

"right this way," she guides me to a room with a man in it.

"hi, what would you like your tattoo to be, and where?" he winks at me

"I would like a red rose with a green stem about this big," I put my hands up showing how big I wanted it

"and I want it just below my ankle bone, please" I say putting my foot on the chair

"Sure thing miss"

"Ow!" I yell as he puts the tattoo on


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