Part 23

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Part 23

3 weeks later...

Justins POV

I've been avoiding Brodie and the others for 3 weeks now and neen won't let me see Lola because Brodie told her strictly not to let me.

Chaz is dating Brodie and I'm dating a girl named Clare. She's a twin with a girl called Emily. Not Brodies friend Emily, a different Emily. Clare has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's really short but athletic.

Brodie has been doing concerts and fundraisers. I've been to every single one of them.

I really miss Brodie but she probably doesn't miss me because she has obviously moved on.

I get out if bed and eat some cereal. It's a Tuesday today and I have to ride to school.

I pack my bag and go up to my room. I put some red skinnies on and a black

v-neck shirt on. I get my black and red 'A' flat cap on and grab my keys and bag.

I drive to school and park in a car park. I notice that Brodie's white Ferrari is next to my black range rover. I got out and started to walk to the schools terrace.

I realized I had forgotten my bag so I walked back to the car. I ran into a girl with beautiful brow hair and brown eyes.


She wore her hair curled and Pineda to one side with two plastic white and yellow frangipani clips in it. She had a short tight yellow sundress and yellow gladiator shoes.

She had heavy make up on but it made her beautiful brown eyes stand out.

"sorry, um, Brodie" I say nervously

Cmon I haven't spoken to her in three friken weeks.

"what? Did you nearly forget my name? Or aren't you going to apologize for hitting me or are you just a self centered a-hole?" she snaps

I kiss her. She just looked so damn hot when she was angry. Then I pull away. I smile but she doesn't respond she just huffs.

She goes to slap me with her left hand but I grab it before she can slap me. She tries to slap me with her right hand but I grab that too.

She's about to knee me where it hurts I know it so I pull her in so she's too close to.

"let go" she snaps at me

"I'm sorry" I whisper in her ear.

Brodies POV

"I'm sorry" justin whispers in my ear.

That sends shivers down my body.

He start kisses my neck and up to my jaw and back down my neck to my collarbone.

I'm literally melting right now and I can't help but let out a moan.

"so you like that huh? I thought you hated me?" he says flirtatiously.

"j-j-ju-u-ustin-n s-s-stop p-p-please j-j-u-u-s-Justin"I struggle to say as i am moaning like crazy.

"so you forgive me aye, shawty?"

Omigosh I love it when he calls me shawty

" no!" I find the strength in me to push him off of me and walk away.

"you will!" he yells out after me.


"yes, mr swan nobody got permission from me to entertain anyone at the prom" I tell the principal

"yes, miss Mitchelmore of course, we shall replace your's and Justin's names with Havana Brown's name. I'm sure she would love to DJ at the prom! Would you please ask her? She's new at the school last week." sir said

"yes, thankyou,I should do that now" I reply getting up and leaving the office.


"Havana!" I call out to Havana who is making out with Jake Smith the school's head jock.

"sorry to bother you, um but mr swan asjed me to ask you-" Jake was checking me out and he was disturbing me as he was stroking my thigh up and down.

I slapped him so he walked away

"what was that about?" Havana asked

"he was stroking my thigh sexually uncomfortably" I say kinda p***ed off

"oh well there goes another boyfriend later! Anyway, hi I'm Havana Brown but you can call me Ana for short. I'm a DJ and singer. Did you say something before?" she says welcoming me to be her bestfriend for life.

"oh hi I'm Brodie Mitchelmore and you probably already know that because of, yeah. Um mr swan wanted me to ask you if you wanted to DJ at the prom in two weeks."

"sure I'd love to! I'll tell him later! So, how's Chaz and you going? I heard about Justin and, yeah Clare told me you were being a bitch and so he dumped you. I'm so sorry, you must have cried for weeks!" she says

"well, Clare is wrong! Justin was going to fight bradley because he stirred justin up when he was kissing me infront of the whole school but when I went to stop Justin," I went on,

"Justin hit me" I was on the urge of tears by now and Ana was shocked.

"that b*tch! He doesn't have the right to treat women like that!" she protested!

"yeah so now I'm dating Chaz and we've never fought like Justin and I did"

"Chaz is lucky." she smiled and do I left to go to lunch.


I sat down at a table with Riley because nobody was there yet. Riley us in our 'gang' now and he is like a brother to me but with a very sick mind.

Riley knows what's good for him so thats why he's the only boy in our 'gang' who hasn't tried to flirt with me. but I occasionally flirtatiously tease him and he falls for it and sinks to the bottom of my sea of awesome flirting skills.

"hey Riley what's up?" I take a sip of my iced tea.

"the sky, the rain, the clouds, the moon, the sun, the stars and the fact that I'm failing hospitality!" he says munching on his burger

"one, don't talk with food in your mouth and two, I can teach you how to cook! I cook dinner nearly every night!" I say when Kyarne takes a seat at our table.

"Heyz Kyarne! What you up to?"I ask then laife sits next to her

"I have a plan! Watch..." she says with a grin on her face. Everyone else from our 'gang' sit at our table and they are all now smiling. They all know the 'plan'

"JUUUUUSTIIIIIN!!!!!!" Kyarne calls Justin over.

"WTF Kyarne! What are you doing?!" I whisper yell.

"setting you two straight" she says proving her point

Justin comes over with his food and Chaz stands up making room for Justin next to me.

I shuffle over, away from Justin and he runs his hand through his hair so it stays up 'Zayn Malik Style' I tool my eyes and look away.

"now Brodie you have two options here. One- Justin stays and we all stay or,

Two- justin leaves and you're on your own hon! Choose one!" Chaz says. He's on their team.

"choose number one by breaking up with me and kissing Justin and choose number two by breaking up with me but slapping Justin. Either or, you're breaking up with me" chaz says

"ok. Chaz it's over! And......... Justin......,"

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