Part 24

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Part 24

Brodie's POV

"ok. Chaz it's over! And......... Justin......,"

I kiss him. He needs a chance.

"but this your last chance, Bieber" I slap him

"ow what was that for?!" he shrieks because I hit him real hard this time.

It would've been the same amount of pain as pulling a 10cmX3cm bandage off of a hairy mans leg. Ouch!

His cheek was red like a tomato. " you hit me 3 weeks ago!" i said slapping him harder.

"ok ok! I get it! It hurt!" I slap him again

"would you stop that!?!?" he says holding his cheek

I slap him on the other cheek. "you can hurt me anywhere but the face, you will ruin my appearance, woman!" he says putting his hands up in defense.

"now, first of all, don't call me woman! And second of all, i.... Don't have a second point." I sigh

Havana starts laughing before everyone else does.

"oh everybody, this is Havana." I introduce Havana.

"hi, you can call me Ana and I'm DJing at prom." she says standing up

"excuse me but I have to go dump Jake for sexually stroking Brodies thigh. I'll be right back" she goes and we see Jake try to kiss her.

Havana's POV

I walk up to Jake and he assumes nothing's wrong and goes to kiss me.

I step back and he looks confused

"what's wrong baby?" he says trying to sound concerned.

"you. You self centered man whore b**ch! You only want me for my pretty face and you just want someone to kiss and makeout with because you are a S.L.U.T a Stupid Lying Useless Tart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate you! And, if haven't already realized, it's over, buddy!!" I say like I always do with every guy I dump.

I walk away before he can even open his mouth. I have a cheeky smile on my face and I sit back at Brodie's table.

I'm glad I'm friends with Brodie because she us really nice and she doesn't boast about her celebrity life.

Brodie, Heidi, Emily, Caite, Chaz, Ryan, Justin, Riley, Bradley and Christian are all in the 'popular' group but they don't act like they own the school.

I am now apart of that group and I am glad to be because now I can have a chance with Chaz Somers. I have had a crush on him since the second day I came here.

It was a scene like,'I saw him and heard someone say his name "Chaz" Chaz wow I really like him, he's the one!' anyways I wish he would just notice me though.

I stare at Chaz and he locks eyes with me... How embarrassing! "um so Brodie introduced me to everyone but no one introduced them to me" I say looking away from Chaz, blushing.

"I'm laife, nice to meet you" I shake laife's hand.

"I'm Kyarne, what's up girlfriend?!" I give her a friendly smile.

"I'm Brodie, of course you know me" I laugh and look to the next person.

"I'm Justin but you've probably heard of me before" he gives me knuckles

"I'm Christian, but call me Chris or Chrissy" I shake his hand.

"I'm Heidi, pleasure" I smile and move on.

"I'm Charles, but everyone calls me Chaz, nice to meet you." I shake his hand.

"I'm Emily, call me Em." I give her a 'Girly Touch'.

"hi I'm Ryan, um... Yeah" I give him knuckles.

"hey Havana, I'm Riley." I shake his hand.

"hey I'm Bradley, what's up? The sky, duh!" I laugh and nod my head at him.

"nice to meet you all and thank you so much for making me feel welcome. If you want, you can come over to mine tonight and we'll have a par-Tay!"

"Ok"they all say in sync.


Brodie's POV

I finish up my homework and look at the time. 4:30pm good I have half an hour.

I go to my walk in wardrobe, strip and look for clothes to wear.

I find a white spaghetti stap signet top with a Kelly green heart on it, a white and Kelly green varsity jacket with a 'B' on the front right and 'Brodie' on the back.

I got some white skinnies and my Kelly green supras on. I went to the bathroom and put heavy makeup on; lots of mascara, eyeliner, smoky eyeshadow, foundation and some lipgloss on.

I got my phone and went to the study. I got out my coral box and got out my white iPhone case that had a Kelly green star on it. I replaced it with the black diamonte case and put the box away.

I put my phone in my varsity jacket's pocket and got into my white ferrari.

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