Part 14

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Part 14

Brodies POV

It's been several months now and I'm ready to have the baby, I'm at the hospital and I'm ready to have it.

Justin is by my side squeezing my hand because I'm squeezing his. "here it comes!!" the doctor said

Only Heidi, angus, Caite, Emily, Christian and Ryan know if it's a boy or a girl but when I saw it come out I could tell it was a girl.

The nurse went out of the room with the baby and came back with it wrapped up in a pink blanket.

She handed the baby to me and when I saw it's face I just smiled and maybe even let out a tear or two.

"what should we name it?" Justin said

"Lola" I simply said

"lovely"he replied

After I had recovered I was able to get up and watch Justin give Lola her fiery bath.

She cried a little but apart from that she was the perfect baby. She had some thin light brown hair and blue eyes. She had pale white skin and was quite small.

"she's beautiful"I said

"just like her mother"Justin said drying her

"Omg Justin ur so sweet thanks" I say getting up and pecking him on the cheek

•couple of days later•

I was going home today and I hope that Lola is happy at home she us such a beautiful baby.

I dressed Lola then gathered all of my things and Justin helped me take my stuff whilst I carried Lola to the car.

As soon as I checked out of the hospital and got outside a mob of paps and screaming girls swarmed us as we walked to the car. Usher, Justins manager was waiting for us in the car.

We hurried in and I sat in the back seat and had to hold Lola as we drived to the mall. We had to get some baby things.

We arrived and I went to the baby store on the second floor.

I got there and got a baby seat, a baby car seat, a pram, a carrier, a cot, some nappies and some toys also some clothes.

We got some of the store people to help carry all the purchases to the car and I met Usher and Justin there and then we loaded the car and drove off.

As we arrived we home we unloaded the car and we started to carry things inside to transform the spare room into a nursery.

We put the cot into the corner, the changing table that we already had next to the cot, the nappies under the changing table, the clothes in the cupboard, the pram, the car seat, the baby seat in the garage and the toys in the cupboard.

"done" Justin said

"well that didn't take as long as I thought"I told him

I then got out my mobile and called a number

"what u doing babe?"Justin asked me

Phone convo-

Me-hi, um, scooter, yeah um I'm going to take the job

Scooter-well yes I thought you'd say yes because we'd be delighted to have you in the team

Me-thanks so much scooter, bye

Scooter- no problem,bye!

End on phone covo

"yessssss"I slither

"what?! Can u tell me what is going on?" Justin says confused

"I,Brodie rose Mitchelmore, just got a a record deal with scooter Braun, who thinks I'm the most talented teen he's seen since a teen he discovered on YouTube" I said as I was about to kiss Justin

"woah woah woah hold up horsey did he say u were going to meet this YouTube teen sensation?" Justin said raising his eyebrowls

"um I think so" I say getting closer to him

"well I heard this teen thinks you're pretty sexy" he said

"oh really? So u know this person?" I asked smiling

"yeah and I'm pretty sure,actually positive that, that teen sensai is moi" he says

We then kissed long and with passion

"waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa waaaaa" Lola started to cry

We stopped kissing and then I went to her cot and picked her up to start rocking her.....

She fell asleep in my arms and so I put her in the cot and I went to bed in my bed at 6:00pm because I was so tired

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