Part 15

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Part 15

•Couple of months later•

I woke up by the sound of Lola crying

Ugh now I have to get up early every morning!

I looked at the time "8:00am not too bad" I say to myself

I got up and went to the spare room, got Lola and went down stairs. "mum can you hold Lola for a tick?, thanks" I asked mum "sure" she replied

I went to the garage and got the baby seat and took it to the dining table and set it up.

I took Lola from mum and put her in the baby seat. I then went back to her room and got a bib for Lola.

I brought it back to the dining table and put it on Lola's head,

Lola now has thicker light brown hair and brown eyes but it's funny because in her left eye a quarter of it is purple and in her right eye a quarter of it is yellow, weird.

I went to the kitchen and got a tin of baked beans out of the pantry. J opened the Tupperware drawer and got a plastic bowl and a plastic container out.

I poured half of the baked beans in the bowl and the rest of it in the container

I put the container in the fridge and I got the bowl and brought it to the table with a plastic spoon and sat down in front of Lola

I started to feed her and she ate it all wow she's really hungry today,

I then gave her to mum and had my breaky. After that I went upstairs and had a shower.

After I got out if the shower I realized I had school today and that I should be hurrying

I went to my wardrobe and put on a red top, some black skinny jeans and some red stilettos.

I got my bag and went downstairs

"mum I need you to take Lola to daycare today because I have school, infact, I need you to all week. Thanks mum"

"sure thing honey"

I kissed mum on the cheek and kissed Lola on the forehead.

I then went outside and got in my white Ferrari and drove to Justins house.

I got out and went to the door and knocked

Pattie answered.

"um hi, pattie is jstin ready I've come to take him to school because I thought he might need a lift"

"oh hi, Brodie um sorry he already took Lisa"

I was worried. Who's Lisa? Is he cheating on me? After all the things we've been through

"thanks pattie bye"

I went to the car and drove off

When I got out of my car at school, there was heaps of paparazzi waiting for me so I had to run into the school.

The paps werent allowed in the school so I was safe

I went straight to my locker to find Justin

When I got there Justin was getting his books

"um Justin who's lis-" Justin cut me off

"hey babe so how's my Lola?"

"um why would you care you only care about Lisa" u slap him across the face

"what? Lisa?" he was 'confused'

"your mum told me when I came yo pick you up this 'morning that you already took Lisa to school"

"um babe,

Lisa us the name if my car, I named it that."

Omg I'm sooooooooooooooo stupid

"ohhhhhh" I say understanding.

The rest of the day was tiring until second break. Well, I walked into the cafeteria and everyone was clapping and cheering.

I thought maybe that Justin was singing but they were looking at me.

I was then hearing people yelling at what seemed to be me. "sing for us" "cmon sing!!" " sing, sing, sing, sing, sing" "please Brodie sing now please"

"um maybe later guys ok?" Justin stood infront of me and yelled.

Justin turned his head around and I mimed 'thank you' to him and he pecked my lips

I smiled.

After break I got to my locker and got my books for last class. I had child care, I needed to take this subject because obviously I have


After class I went to the school notice board. I gasped, this is bad!! I saw our prom poster:

lol cliff hanger bc- Guys, I have most of the rest of my story typed up waiting to be published but I'm not getting any encouragement! I need it guys! I do I really do. By votes comments and fans thx!!


<3 <3 x x :* :* kiss kiss mwha mwha tee hee

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