Part 34

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Part 34

Justin's POV


"I know who that is..." Zac says

"WTF what you doing here you twerb?!?!?!" the boy says confronting Zac

"hey! Leave him alone, now, tell me your name or I'll call the police!" I yell going infront of Zac

"that's Alexander Wilkonson, Brodie's ex!" Zac yells

"stay away from him! He's dangerous"

Zac pulls me back away from Alexander who was just about to punch me.

:::end of recap.

"why you here?" I yell at Alexander

"I came for my girlfriend" he says getting closer to me gangsta style

"Girlfriend?! You freaking called her a Sl*t and dumped her last year! She's not your girlfriend anymore, mate she's bloody engaged to this man!" Zac says as he points at me for the last part.

"omfg no you didn't!" I yell and punch him.

I can't believe he did that to Brodie last year, freaking sc*m!

We start to fight and have a punch up with blood going everywhere and covering eachother in bruises.

Heidi's POV

I decide to go and ask Christian ifshe wants to go for a walk in the park that's in-between Meadow Mall and our hotel.

I get my iPhone out and open an app that tracks other iPhones. Christian doesn't have an iPhone so I tap Justins contact bease that's who Chrissy would be with now.

Justin is at the hall down the road. Hmm they might be playing a game of basketball because it says that the hall has a basketball court.

I quickly jog down the path until I reach the hall. I can't see them there on the court so maybe they're in the hall having a rest.

I walk to the door and quickly fix my hair, after all, I am seeing my boyfriend and three other hot guys.

I here a big thud against the hall's door that I'm about to open. Oh god what wad that?! Hmm it's probably just a basketball they're playing with in there.

I open the door and I gasp because what I now see infront of me is eight boys all around in a decorated hall bit two of them are fighting.

There is Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Zac, Justin and Omigosh, it's Brodie's ex, Alexander Wilkonson.. Why is he here?!?!?!

I yell out but noone here's me except for Liam, who runs over to me.

"hey what's going on here?" I ask him

"This guy, Alexander came for Brodie but Justin got angry and punched him. Now we can't stop him unless he stops himself. " Liam explains

"oh I know how to do this, they won't hurt me!" I tell him.

I go and scream out as loud as I can as I run through the middle of them. They part and go far away from eachother.

Zayn and Zac grab Justin and Liam and Chaz who has just walked in, grab Alexander.

"Stop!!" I yell

"who do you think you are?, coming back for someone you tore out of your life picture? You broke her heart, Alex. Yeah, you did and now, you come back after what you did to try and fix something that can't be glued back together? No, so leave! You can't have Brodie back and even uf we let you see her, she wouldn't accept you, after what you did to her. So go!" I yell at Alex (Alexander) I slap him but he strangles and Liam and Chaz let go of him

"hey, I didn't mean to hurt your 'Bff' ok? Geez, woman, you need to learn to shut up! Ugh, I think you gave me a migraine geez! Anyways, Justin you need to give me Brodie or atleast let me see her, I dont care if she rejects me, but, can I see her?" he says angrily

"fine but if you touch a hair on her head then I will call the Police and I'm not joking, I've done it before." Justin says getting out of Zayn and Zacs grip

Brodies POV

*NA NA NA NA NA NA yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah* my phone rang as I answered it

"hello?" (me)

"hey bane it me, Justin, and I have someone who wants to see you but if that person scares you when you see them, just tell me and they will go away." (Justin)

"ok, who is it babe?" (me)

"just meet me at the park near meadows mall and the hotel. Love you bye" (Justin)

I hang up and I walk from the mall to the park

I see Justin, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, Zac, Chaz, Chrissy, Ryan, Heidi and someone who I completely dislike!, Alex Wilkonson, my ex

He doesn't scare but I can deal with him.

Just kick him in the balls if he tries to touch you and you'll be alright, Brodie, keep calm! I think to myself approaching them all

Justin comes up to me and kisses me on the lips and hugs me tight.

He keeps his arm around my waist so I feel safer.

"why us Alex here, babe?" I ask Justin, whispering.

"he wanted to see you for some reason," Justin whispered back.

"oh god ok I can do this," I mumble to myself

"hey.." Alex says checking me out

I slap him because I'm only wearing a mini denim tight skirt and a yellow tank top with "sh*t" on it in aqua writing. I had yellow stilettos and a aqua ribbon in my hair around my loose pony tail.

I mean I usually only get cgeckedout if I'm wearing something more Sl*tty

"um sorry but why did you come?! You are an idiot and you snashedmy china heart with a hammer and ir can't be glued back together, only replaced with another china-me." I say to Alex

"I need you Brodie and yeah, yeah, I broke your heart blah blah blah ive heard that same phrase about one hundred times today! So just kiss me nw and we will be a couple again ok?! Ok, now are you going to kiss me or what?" he says like he didn't do anything wrong at all

Flash back:::

•grade 10•

"oi, Brodie come here!" Alex said from over at our table

He laughed as I came over

"what?" I ask confused at why he was laughing

"I never noticed that you walk weird," he says snubbily

"haha" I say taking that it was a joke so lean in to kiss him but he leans away

"what's wrong?" I ask him sympathetically

"you. You're a Sl*t so um go away you ugly wart headed piece of sh*t!" he said

I gasp and run to the bathroom and cry in one of the cubicals.

He just broke my heart in to little tiny pieces!

:::end of recap

"You destroyed my life!" I yell

"I was the one who made you popular!" he said

"you were the reason I moved schools!" I yell and run out of the park and down the street

I run to the Hotel and up to my room. As soon as I get inside, I run to my room and scream into my pillow then just lay there

I eventually drift off to sleep...


There. Hope u liked it:) lol it was long Coz my other ones have recently been short, soz:(



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