Part 10

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Part 10

Brodies POV

I woke up and I remembered that I was in Justins house. I actually can't remember what happened last I've just gotta confirm with Justin that we aren't going out.

I got out of the spare bed and walked to his bedroom, I took the covers off the bed and.....

"Ohhh!!! Oh! Now I've seen it all!!!" I yell covering my eyes.

He grabs the covers and walks into his bathroom and then came out dressed in boxers and no shirt on.

"Omg I can't believe u sleep with no....." I was disgusted

" I don't we had u know what" he told me

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed

"ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!" I ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower I quickly stripped, got in and washed myself, then got out and wrapped a towel around me.

I walked out and poked my tongue out at Justin and he blew a kiss to me.

What if he wasn't protected and I have a baby?

What if he thinks we are a thing now?

What if? What if? What if?

"by the way" he poked his head around the corner as I was still making my way to the spare room

"friends with benefits" he said and winked at me

I turned around and rolled my eyes and kept walking into spare room.

I gathered my stuff and walked back to Justins room, I still had a towel around me so I went to ask Justin for clothes.

"Justin, do you have any clothes incould borrow?" I asked stopping at the door and putting my stuff down on the ground.

"um yeah here he said pulling out some of his baggy pants and a hoodie.

I went to his bathroom and put my bikini on with the clothes over the top.

"thanks" I yelled out

"anytime" he yelled back

Justins POV

Oh no, oh dear, ow god, for the love of Christ, baby Jesus!

Last night wasn't protected

"done!" Brodie ce out dressed in my baggy clothes

"um Brodie...." I started to say

Should I tell her? Naw, coz I probably wont work. But what if it did?

"I'm taking u home" I said stupidly

"ok!" she said happily

I took her home, told her she could keep the clothes and drove home.

Brodie's POV

•next day•

I think Justin is hiding something from me because he never talks to me anymore and when I make eye contact with him he looks away nervously

"Justin why Ru avoiding me?" I asked him in media class

"wha? I...I'm Not a...avoiding u...." he said nervously

"Sure" I say

*briiiiiiiiiiing briiiiiiiiiiing briiiiiiiiiiing briiiiiiiiiiing briiiiiiiiiiing briiiiiiiiiiing*

the bell went and I walked out if the class and to my locker.

Once I had gathered my stuff I was in the school hall and everything went blurry and went black


Lol cliffhanger! Got any ideas coz I do!!! U guys r gonna lov the story!! Pls comment vote and fan coz if u do then I'll fan u bk!!!!!!! Biiz:)

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