Part 39

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Part 39

•seven years later•

Brodie's POV

I wake up to Lola jumping up and down on my bed. Do you know how annoying an eight-year-old jumping on your bed at 7:00 in the morning is?

I get up and grab her playfully. "I got you!" I say tickling her.

"stop it mummy! Stop it!" she screams, giggling.

I stop and she kisses me on the cheek and skips out of the room, humming.

I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower.

I strip and hop in. Ahhhh that's nice, warm water running down my back, but I must get out and get ready for work, like the last five years of my life.

I hop out and dry my body. I tiptoe out of the bathroom with the towel rapped around my body trying to not wake up Justin or who knows what he will do! Tackle, tickle, hug, kiss, give a hickey, who knows!

I'm about to walk into my wardrobe but someone hugs me from behind. "juuuuussttiiiin!!! Noooooo...." he kisses up my neck and starts to give me a hickey. I bite my lip trying to hold in a moan but it escapes.

I get out from his arms and run into my wardrobe closing the door and locking it behind me. "c'mon babe open the door!" he tells from the outside.

I look in the little mirror on the wall and look at my neck. A giant purple and red hickey! "noooo!" I shout back

"awwww, pleeeeease?" he yells.

"in a sec!" I shout

I here him mini celebrate by saying "yessss!" and jumping up and down.

I get some undies and a bra on. I go to my work clothes drawer and get out a long sleeved blouse and a black button up vest on. I get some long black pants and some black boots. I put them on and do my hair in the mirror.

I put my hair in a tight donut bun and put a white thin headband on. I puts some white pearl earings in and clean it all up.

I go to the door and unlock it. I open it and step aside because I know Justin is leaning against it because this happens every single day ever since I got a part time job at the coffee club.

I work there from 9 till 12 then I go home for lunch, get changed and go to the recording studio and record from 1:30 till 3. After that I go to Myer, my 6 year old's school and pick her up. I then go to Lola's school, pick her up and I'm home at about 3:45pm.

Justin falls to the ground. "yet you still lean against the door after a thousand times you fall over. "

He gets up and we walk to Myer's room. I get her dressed in her uniform and carry her to Lola's room. She is already dressed so we all go to the kitchen and our Butler, Jeoff, is cooking pancakes for the kids and eggs Benedict for Justin and I.

"thanks Anne," I say as Anne, our maid places our food on the table in front of us.

We all eat and when we are finished Justin takes the kids to school, and I go to the coffee club.

I park at the coffee club and walk into the cafe. "hey Patrice" I greet my work friend, Patrice.

"hey, you're on tables 3, 7, 8, 20 and 34, today so get an apron and notepad and pen. Chop chop! Get to

Work, girly!" she passes me an apron, pen and notepad.

I start to serve tables and once my shift is over, I head to my car. I hop in and drive home.


I arrive at Myer's school and she skips to the car. I hop our and help her in.

I buckle her in and jog around to the drivers side. I hip in and put my seat belt on. "how's your day, sweets?" I ask as we drive off.

"good thanks, mummy!" she says cheerfully. "that's good"

We arrive at Lola's school and Lola hops in. She buckles herself up because she's already 8.

We drive home talking, quietly.

As we arrive home, the girls go inside and to the dining room.

Jeoff comes out with some milk and Oreo's for the girls. I grab an apple and kiss the girls' heads and go to my study.


Lol guys sorry for the late update so I made this one a bit longer!

Shoutout to Emily, Heidi, Jasmine, Madi, Sophie and all my friends reading this! I love you all!!!



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