Part 30

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Part 30

Brodie's POV

It's Zayn Malik!! Omigosh!

I don't want to make a scene because it's a bit embarrassing if a celeb is a fan like a teenage girl fan of another celeb.

I walk casually up to Zayn and he looks up with wide eyes.

"Omigosh! Are you THE Brodie Mitchelmore? Omigosh I gave to get the lads! Wait right here, babe, I'll be right back!" he over excites before I can even answer his question.

"WTF was that that Zac Mallingo or what ever his name from two protections or something?"Justin says and I laugh as I hold his hand again.

Zayn comes back with the lads, Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam.

Omg I almost screamed but I kept it cool and just shook their gands casually as if I'm a bigger celeb then them. Which I am.

"hey beautiful, did you know you're beautiful?" Niall says flirtatiously

I giggle as Harry confronts me.

"hey sexy you have that one thing, you." he winks at me as I laugh at his lame joke

Liam comes up to me, "hey, nice seeing you again, and I should've kissed you at the Grammies but ya know, you have a boyfriend," he says referring to when we met at the Grammies last month.

Then Louis came and pulled me into an awkward hug. "hey if I'm louder, will you see me?" he's the funny one

Zayn, finally my favourite, "hey nice to meet you, how are you? Sorry about the lads, they're a bit excited to meet a beautiful girl like you," I blush and justin shakes all their hands but I can tell he already doesn't like them.

"thanks guys but I'll see you maybe next time we bump into eachother because Justin and I are going ring shopping!" my face lights up when I say ring shopping but the boys face fail to see a good thing about ring shopping.

Yet, they all give me a piece of paper each with their numbers on them.

I smile and walk away.

I stuff the papers in my pocket and walk to the jeweler with Justin.

We arrive and look at the rings in the store window out the front.

"you choose, it's your ring." he says with attitude.

"what's wrong J?" I ask about his attitude.

"oh don't act like you don't know! I saw you look at Larry, Neil, Zac, Loonie face and what's it's who's his face."

"um what do you mean? I'll prove to you that it's nothing more then a friendly friendship!" I take out the phone numbers and rip them into tiny pieces and put them into his hand.

He smiles and we continue looking.

I find one that us silver and has an aqua coloured gem on it with the words 'only love' engraved on each side if the gem like::



I pointed to it "oh Justin it's beautiful!" I say

"yes, just like you," he says as I blush.

We walk into the jeweller and Justin asks if I can try the ring on.

"it fits perfectly we'll take it!" Justin says looking at it on my engagement finger (right fourth finger).

Justin pays for it and he puts it back on my finger.

"thank you Justin, so much and just for that I will buy you some Micky's" he literally jumps up and down like an eight year old when I say "Micky's"

We walk to the food court and we order our food.

I go sit at a table whilst Justin gets our order.

As I'm admiring my ring a little girl with a pink notebook and a pink feather pen comes up to me.

"hello, what's your name?" I ask her

"my name is Ellie, I'm your biggest fan! Can you please sgin my book?" she asks passing me her book

"yes, of course, anything for my biggest fan," I say opening it

I look through it and lots of people have signed it like Miley Cyrus, Sean Kingston, Jason Derulo, Lady Gaga and it is full except for the very front page.

A tear slides down my face. "Ellie, dud you save the front page for me?" she nods as I give her a hug.

I sign her book and write a note to her. I read it to her, " dearest ellie, you ARE my biggest fan and I'm your biggest fan. Thank you so much, you bring glee to my heart, love your number one fan, Brodie." I finish

" And I also signed it for you Ellie is that ok?" I hug her again

I look up and her mum is crying and she had a bandana around her head and a wheelchair that she's on

I can tell her mum has cancer and is going to pass away very soon.

I go over to her mum and I give her a piece of paper with it written on it:

Call me if you need any help, Brodie


: her face lit up and she mimed 'thank you' to me before wheeling off with Ellie next to her.

I sat back down and Justin and I ate our food together.

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