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The more you feel, the more likely you are to die.

The room was engulfed in darkness with the exception of a worn-out lamp that barely gave off any light. The walls were dirty, small cracks somewhat visible in the old concrete. But you weren't complaining. At least you weren't forced to go outside and rot in the cold.

Your (e/c) irises darted from the walls to a tall, mysterious man who was running his pale fingertips over the yellow, vintage pages of an antique book. You examined him, your gaze falling onto his broad shoulders and jet black hair. You wrinkled your nose for a brief second, slightly frowning. Two emotions formed in your core laying your eyes on this man—hatred and fear.

"Chrollo," Your voice broke the empty silence, "Why'd you call me?"

Speaking his name left a bitter taste on your tongue, subconsciously making your fingers curl because of the growing anxiety in your stomach. You hated being in a room with Chrollo—especially if he called for you specifically. Images of his black irises void of any emotions played through your mind, reminding you of past memories you would do anything to forget. You wanted to bolt for it, but instead you masked your growing anxiety by clearing your throat.

"Show me the results of your training with the Zoldycks," He closed the book carefully, brushing off a thin sheet of dust from the leather cover before placing it back in its original place on the shelf.


It made you shudder a little bit when a faint smile tugged at his pale lips. "By taking the Hunter Exam."

Your heart began to beat faster, the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach almost making you nauseous as he turned around and reached a hand out to touch you.

"I know that lonely assassin boy you've been hanging around with wants to take it," his fingertips brushed against your hair ever so slightly, "go with him."

"His name is Killua." You growled, talking like your jaw was wired shut. "And he's not lonely. He has me."

What a dumb thing to say.

You fought the urge to look away when you saw his eyeballs slowly harden—his gaze made you suddenly unable to move. Your breath hitched in your chest as you felt his cold fingers run down the side of your face, gently grazing your collarbone. Until all at once you felt his hand grasp your throat—leaving you without air.

"Don't tell me you're weakening, (y/n)." He squeezed even more tightly, making your head spin as you clawed at his wrist. "Remember what I taught you?"

Your head nodded vigorously, tears welling in your eyes as you screamed silently to gasp for air.

"The more you feel, the more likely you are to die." His tone was dangerous, cold eyes burning with emptiness and hostility. "You know why you can't die, (y/n)?"

"Y-yes..." Your response was raspy, lungs aching.

He dropped you to the floor, his icy glare unwavering as he watched you struggle to take a breath.

Oh, how I love sweet, sweet air.

"Say it." He spat.

Your shoulders heaved heavily up and down as you steadied your breathing, your gaze flickering from the floor to the man who was waiting. You didn't respond, making him sink his nails into your wrist and rip the sleeve of your turtleneck off. You hissed, loudly cursing when you felt his nail dig deeper into one of the fresh cuts on your forearm.

"I let you do this, but not kill yourself. Why?"

"... Because you need me."

"For what?"

"To join you and the Phantom Troupe."

Chrollo released you from his grasp, throwing your wrist back at you. You sucked air between your teeth, holding your arm closer to your chest.

"Don't come back until you can see."

He held his hand out, staring as if something was emitting from his palm. But you were naive, and sighed heavily—irritated.

"There's nothing there, Chrollo." Your gaze slid to his eyes, uninterested in whatever was in his hand.

"There is. And until you can see it, you aren't worthy to be called my sister."

His words struck you like a bullet to your heart, tears blossoming behind your eyes as you struggled to speak.

"W-wait.. You're kicking me out?" You whispered breathily to yourself, "Brother, please, I'll do anything—"

"You know what you have to do, (y/n)."

Everything seemed to move slower when Chrollo reached a pale hand out to ruffle your hair. It was difficult to live as his sister, but he and the Troupe were the only people who knew you and who you felt truly connected to. Without them, you were alone. You had no choice but to do what Chrollo ordered. Determination bursted through your veins, and you silently vowed to yourself.

I need to be stronger.

In a blink of an eye your head was throbbing. It was then you realized he had pushed your head into the cold, concrete floor. As your eyelids grew heavy, you remembered that you had something to accomplish.


And everything went black.   

I finally finished rewriting what I had so far guys. I hope this is better than the first, and I'll update soon. Don't forget to comment and rate, please!

- Kyte

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