Arc 44

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"Going once, going twice!" The gentleman on stage called in a shrill, booming voice through the microphone, slamming his palms onto the podium as a grin spread across his lips. "Well, then the Yakusugi cedar wood demon mask from the Heian Period goes to #1034!"

It was a dreadful feeling, the anticipation. Throughout the whole night, it had been challenging to quiet your mind, to clear your thoughts of every single worst possible scenario that was bound to happen. Every gruesome detail you had already contemplated, coming to the conclusion that tonight was going to be bad—no matter what possible solution came to mind.

Tonight would be the end of the lies. By the same time tomorrow you wouldn't have anything—no job, no comrades, and definitely no Kurapika. The game was coming to an end.

You could feel your palms become clammy as your heart pounded painfully against your ribcage, sending chilling sensations through your limbs. In an attempt to calm yourself, you fumbled with the hem of your jacket's sleeve.

"Behind the building," Melody's soft, familiar voice spoke through your earpiece. "I hear something a bit unusual."

That's the signal...

"(y/n) and I will make sure it's nothing serious." From across the auditorium, Kurapika was already waiting by the doors, gesturing for you to follow.

Basho gave you a wink as you shuffled towards the blonde, and for once a smile crept onto your lips as he nodded for you to go. "Who would've thought you'd actually end up together." He whispered, stroking his ginger beard. "But enjoy young love while it lasts, (y/n), or else you'll end up writing poems like me."

"Ha, you've always been funny, old geezer." You retorted, walking past him as he stared, mouth agape and eyes wide at the nickname you had decided to label him. Desperately he tried attempting a meaner comeback of his own but stumbled on his own words as you slid into the hallway with Kurapika.

"Old geezer my ass..."

The blonde glanced at you before closing the door and removing the radio from his ear. He was composed as usual, with no trace of worry or the slightest sign of distress in his expression. He had gained much more control over his emotions since when you first met, far better than you ever could.

"You seem stressed." Kurapika's tone was gentle as you descended the stairs together to the lobby, examining your figure.

"Am I that obvious?" You mumbled, taking a deep breath as you crossed your arms over your chest. "I am. Truthfully, this whole night I've been feeling uneasy about everything."

The Kurta gave you a slight hum in response to what you said, opening the door of a black car for you before entering the driver's side. For a few moments, he paused, allowing for both of you to sit in a short silence. "I'm sorry for putting you in this position, (y/n)."

You gazed down at your fingers, fumbling with them once more. You didn't want to think about it, let alone witness any death. It was becoming clearer that you either chose yourself or Kurapika.

Suddenly, you felt a soft warmth on your left cheek, allowing Kurapika to run his thumb gently on your skin. A small breath escaped your lips, as his touch never failed to send a tingling sensation through your body. You knew that this small gesture was his way of soothing you. "It's alright if your mind has changed."

Faintly, you leaned into his hand, raising your arm to place your fingertips over his knuckles. "It hasn't." You said, voice unwavering. No matter how many voices in your head screamed for you to stay with the other Nostrade bodyguards, you were determined to once and for all be truthful to yourself. "I want to be here."

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