Arc 42

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Kurapika interlaced his fingers with yours, pulling you along with him another sharp corner. The three familiar silhouettes disappeared as he lead you in the opposite direction—a rush of adrenaline pulsing through your veins as you read his actions.

He was avoiding your colleagues.

"Kurapika," You glanced over your shoulder, taking a peek of the backs of your comrades. "What are you doing?"

The tone of your voice nor your expression didn't betray your true feelings, however in your mind the doubts were beginning to reveal themselves. Did you make a mistake where he noticed something? Did he see a hole in the stories you had made about the life you wished you had? Did he suspect you of lying to him?

Did he know your true identity?

The blonde kept walking, not once meeting your gaze. "There's a part of the plan that they don't need to know."

For a moment, your mind went blank.

"How could possibly not tell them the thing you're about to do?" You raised your voice as your whispered back. "Out of all people, shouldn't they have the right to know?"

A sigh escaped the Kurta's lips, "Why do you act as if what I'm doing is difficult? Don't you do this for a living?"

A frown formed on your lips.

It may be easy to say you're going to kill someone, but as soon as you see the blood on your hands—don't expect to return to the comfortable life you once lived. Taking someone's life, whether they're innocent or not, leaves a mark on you. Spilling the blood of another person is a sin, and there's no excuse if it's for revenge.

You wished you had a chance to escape that life. To escape the fears and burdens that it came with. But you were chained to a predetermined destiny with no key to set you free.

You released your hand from the Kurta's, ignoring the loss of his warmth between your fingers as you shoved your hands in your pockets. For a moment, he completely turned his attention to you instead of shooting you a pathetic glance.

"(y/n)," His stone-cold gaze seemed to have softened just barely. "You know what I mean."

"Do I?" A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you averted your gaze from his. "Do you even know what I'm trying to say?"

"I know you're worried, but I'll be fine—"

"That's not the point, Kurapika!" With all the strength you could muster, you tried to compose yourself from breaking down in the middle of the street. "The point is that not only can you get hurt, but you can get killed. And do you what that means when you get killed?"

The blonde kept looking at you, staying silent as he continued to listen. Of course he knew what you were about to say.

"I'll lose you forever. I won't get to see you anymore, I won't get to argue with you, I won't get to walk like this with you," You waved your hands at the sidewalk. "Hell, I won't even have the chance to tell you corny, sappy, stupid things that couples tell each other."

You tried to swallow the tears that were coming at the thought of losing this boy. You were scared of losing the only person who accepted you, wanted you. You were scared that he would be gone before you could tell him everything. You were scared that the plans you made would never happen.

"Then come be there with me," The boy gently wrapped his cold fingers around your wrist, catching your undivided attention. "Make sure I come home alive."

The tears were threatening to form at the rims of your eyes when you realized that he had called you 'home.' All this time you had been doubting your relationship, thinking of all the imperfections that could ruin everything at any minute. Yet he, who was usually a pessimist and realistic, was thinking the complete opposite—knowing for a fact that this bond you had could work. By doubting your relationship, you were doubting him—the Kurta who was trying.

"What do you mean?" You stared at him with glassy eyes, frozen in the middle of the crowd.

"You don't have to do anything, it'll be my fight. But you'll be there." He pulled you closer, taking your other wrist between his hands. "But if it's too difficult—"

"I'll go."

Your voice had spoken an answer before you could even process what he was saying. You had forgotten that you were considered a member of the Troupe, and that if you played along with his plan you could potentially reveal yourself.

Or even worse, have to choose between the boy who stole your heart or a member of the only family you ever knew.

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —


You can still post your one shot requests and suggestions for my next X Reader on my bulletin if you voted in the Hunter x Hunter contest!

This book is about halfway done so thank you so much for being here with me for so long!

Please go post your requests on my bulletin. (The conversation board)

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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