Arc 19

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You made your way towards them, a certain blonde head catching your attention. You started to jog towards the boy, a big smile on your face. He seemed to be a little down, so you decided to give him a big hug.

"Why so serious—" Kurapika shoved you off.

His irises were subtly glowing red, and your eyes darted in the direction he was looking at. There was a picture of a pair of Kurta eyes on Dalzollene's hologram projector.

Tae pulled you to your feet, his eyes hard as stone as he stared at Kurapika.

"What's your problem?" The black haired boy growled.

You shook your head, "No, it's ok Tae. He had a good reason—"


Kurapika returned Tae's gaze, his eyes wavering from scarlet red to black. They looked like they were going to fight, and you looked back and forth from both boys, not knowing what to do.

"Guys, come on, it's ok. I'm not hurt." You said, standing in between them.

"Step aside, (Y/n)." Tae barked, "He needs to learn his mistake."

Kurapika's eyes were full on red now, "What mistake?"

"You hurt (Y/n), you punk."

"I didn't hurt her. Are you blind? She's perfectly fine."

It stung how coldly he said that.

"You little..!"

Kurapika lifted his hand, the chains starting to reveal themselves. Tae on the other hand, held a dart in his hand threateningly.


You wrapped your arms around Kurapika, laying your head on his chest. His heart was beating fast, but then began to slow down. You looked up, his eyes were back to their normal black color.

Chappy Question:
Favorite anime opening?

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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