Arc 4

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Dashing out of the hotel room you hastily slipped your hoodie over your head, ignoring the blonde Kurta's warnings. Your shoulders fell, lips curling into a smile when you caught sight of a familiar purple-haired examiner at the end of the hall.

"Satotz!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, eyes glued on his slender frame as he turned his head to see who had called him.


"Even if I leave right now, I still get my license right?"


"Good! I'll see you around then."

You bolted past the examiner in a flash, a slight breeze blowing through his pastel locks. The mysterious man smiled underneath his mustache when yet another surpassed him—this time a blonde boy.

God, this hurts.

A sharp pain shot through your ankle, forcing you to realize that you had been reckless bolting like this. Your ankle was aching, and your head was throbbing from suddenly pushing yourself so hard. More than anything you knew that Killua was going through worse than you, so all you could do was suck it up and keep running.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Kurapika trailed behind you, the question of how you were able to run so fast despite your injury lingering in the back of his mind. "Think this through first!"

"I have to go, Pika!" You took a sharp turn to the lobby, pushing the doors open to reveal the frenzy of cars driving past on the busy street. "There's no time to think!"

"But your ankle—"

"I'm fine!"

In the corner of your eye you saw a taxi approaching, and began to wave at it as the Kurta came to a stop next to you.

"Where are you going?" He was breathing heavily, resting his hands on his knees. "I'm not letting you go alone."

Swinging the door open, you glanced back at Kurapika. This guy was full of surprises, and you sure as hell didn't expect him to be. When you first met you thought that he wasn't capable of showing any emotions, and only cared about what he wanted to do.

But he proved you wrong.

You patted his shoulder, shooting him a smile when he lifted his grey-blue irises to meet your gaze. Your legs almost betrayed you when he stared into your eyes, forcing a small flutter in your stomach.

This feeling again..

"Kukuroo Mountain!" You blurted, clearing your throat. "And I have to go alone for this."


"You're smart," You got in the taxi,"You'll figure it out."

"(Y/n)-sama, welcome back." A smile tugged at your lips when you met the gaze of the familiar, old security guard.

"Hey, Zebro."

You planted your hands on the cool concrete of the massive doors, inhaling deeply. Then with all your strength you began to push.

faded ❦ ︱ Kurapika x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now