Arc 34

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An update at 12:00AM a month after the last update. Made this one a little long to make up for lost time.

It's tonight.

You couldn't help but feel shivers electrocute your spine even though you slipped your sweatshirt on. To you the hotel room was cold even though the heater was on. To you every second that passed felt like hours. Everything was just different, all because of where you needed to be. 

As quietly as you could, you closed the room door behind you—trying not to wake Melody as you slipped out of the hotel.

You checked your watch, reading 1:50 am.

Ten minutes to get to the other side of town.
Your movements were almost ghost-like as you dashed through the city, leaping from building to building. A pit was forming in the pit of your stomach—your instincts screaming that if you went to that meeting, you would regret it. But you had no choice if you wanted to keep the life you currently had.

Your watch read 1:55 am.

Taking the Hunter Exam, meeting Gon and the others, training with Yuno and Taehyung, and reuniting with the blonde—you couldn't turn back now.

1:59 am.

The little moonlight that followed you from the hotel disappeared as the shadows of the worn down construction site surrounded your body. Your feet skidded to a stop as you walked towards the center of the room, deciding that no matter what happens you weren't going to give up halfway on making things right. Piercing gazes stabbed through your figure as you emerged from the shadows. Little by little you could feel the thirst of bloodlust prickling at your skin, until altogether it bloomed into a swirling storm of murderous intent that would break any ordinary person's will—but you weren't ordinary. Slowly, you pulled down your hood, the moonlight from broken windows illuminating your face.

2:00 am.

"You made it," A soft, cheerful voice echoed through the room as a buff figure emerged from the darkness, a familiar smile on his face as he threw an arm around you. "And you're not late this time."

Behind him stood a smaller male in black, shooting you a glance before barely nodding in your direction. A certain man with no eyebrows placed a hand on your head, a smirk on his lips, "Feitan's still shy around you, (y/n)." 

"Did you want me to cut your tongue off, Phinks?" 

"Calm down, calm down."

You couldn't help it as your eyes slowly fell to your hands, the sound of the other voices turning into faint hums. Being in the same room with them, all you could do was remember.

Everyone here is a murderer. 

Images of Phinks, Feitan, Shalnark—every member mercilessly ripping scarlet eyeballs from Kurapika's relatives played in your mind, and even on your own hands you could see the mess that the blood had made. 

I'm a murderer. 

It took everything you had not to crumble under the pressure, because now you finally understood your identity. You are a member of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo Lucifer's blood sister, and you are in no position to make peace with the people you've killed. 

But you promised to Kurapika, to everyone, to yourself that you wouldn't give up halfway. 

Not now.  Not yet.

A thin, glowing strand of pink appeared before you, sticking itself to your shoulder as if it had done so before. Your (e/c) irises trailed along the strand until it stopped, finding the source. The joker only returned your gaze, a smirk hidden behind his arm as he shifted his finger, pulling the strand along with it. You didn't bother to resist when you felt something barely cut through your clothes, revealing the mark you were never proud of. 

"Number 0," You watched as he licked his pale lips, "Long time no see." 

Your eyes were no longer on your hands, and instead were focused on the joker as you silently made your way towards him. 

"You know, I've always had a soft spot for you because of how cute you are—" 

"Did you do what I asked?" The words came in a soft whisper only he could hear. 

His smile grew a little wider, "I did, Number 0. I leave the rest to you." 

The label made you flinch, but all you could do was suck it up. It was a reminder that you weren't allowed to be hopeful, not in this world. 

"Hisoka," You met his gaze as he turned his undivided attention to you, ".. T-thank you." 

He gave you a smile, one that you couldn't tell whether was genuine or fake. "No," he slipped a card between his fingers, "Thank you." 

As much as you hated to admit it if you ever wanted to change anything the first step would be trusting that unpredictable clown, Hisoka. He's fickle, and more importantly, will do anything that he thinks is amusing. And so far, what you have planned is amusing. 

His eyes slowly trailed away from yours, focusing on something behind you. But you didn't even have to look to know who it was. 

"The meeting will begin now." 

So will I.

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