Arc 38

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A pout formed on your lips, observing your boss's daughter's room crowded with all sorts of dresses made from different types of fabrics and colors—all draping across the furniture in chaos.

"Which one should I wear, (y/n)?" The naive girl rubbed the skirt of a dress between her fingers, eyeing them with her blue orbs, "I'm trying to find something that compliments my eyes."

A small sigh escaped your lips, trying to hold in your actual opinion. These dresses were beautiful, every single one would look amazing. But you couldn't blame her for having high standards—she was born with billions of dollars at her disposal.

"Try the fluffy princess gown with the v-neck, Neon," You nodded in the direction of the pastel purple dress coated with ruffles of glittery fabric. "That one suits you."

The younger girl's eyes started sparkling at the dress, eyes slightly widened in amusement. You could already tell she was fantasizing about the types accessories she could wear with it.

"You know, (y/n), I can't having you go to this masquerade ball like that," Neon's eyes travelled from your straightened (h/c), (h/l) hair to your white, collared dress shirt, your sleeves folded right under your elbows. She glanced at your black pencil skirt, then to the matching heels she had required you to wear instead of your boots.

She seemed to despise the idea of you wearing something so plain—although you thought that the uniform was already fancy enough as it was. Her strands of baby blue hair whipped across her shoulders as she twirled around, rummaging through the dresses.

Now that you had thought of it, you felt more like Neon's personal assistant rather than her bodyguard. But you weren't complaining, since you were getting paid.

After what felt like half an hour of the young girl comparing the colors of hundreds of dresses—she finally settled on one, seeming breathless as she imagined you in it.

"Hurry up and try this one," The excited girl shoved the dress into your arms, ushering you into the bathroom.

You didn't know exactly know what she was up to, but you figured you didn't have much of a choice.

You hesitated to step out of the bathroom, but sooner or later you had to. You forced yourself to close the door behind you, rubbing your biceps to try and distract yourself from Neon, and Baise and Melody who looked like they just entered the room. Their eyes were glued on you, roaming down to the dress.

"Not to point out the obvious or anything," You mumbled, "But you're all staring.."

The long dress was a beautiful, deep crimson red with an off shoulder neckline, dipping into a shallow 'V' below your collarbone. It was hugging the sides of your body, practically carving it out until around your waist, where the dress began to let go of its tight grasp to let the skirt flow.

"Ok, can I take it off now? This is embarrassing—"

"No, you can't because right now we're getting ready." Neon smiled, sitting in a stool in front of mirror. "We have a ball to go to."

You decided to watch from the couch, fidgeting with the dress as you observed Baise do her magic with shades of bronze eyeshadow and other types of makeup.

When the young girl turned around to face you, you couldn't explain why you pouted at her beauty, realizing that you weren't ever going to be as beautiful as she was.

"Your turn!"

A yelp almost escaped your lips when Neon and Baise sat you down in front of the mirror. They took a brush out, putting some skin colored liquid cream on it.

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