Arc 36

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Your legs kept running for what felt like hours but was only a matter of minutes. But they could only keep you going for so long, until they buckled—your knees meeting the cold, damp pavement of the nearest alleyway you could find.

You thought that you were ready to face him, the one wall that kept you from being free. The one wall that kept you separated from the rest of the world. But you were sorely mistaken.

Even after all these years, you couldn't help but be afraid. He had drilled it into your brain to always fear him. No matter what lies you fed yourself to cope with that fact.

You slid your back down the wall of the alleyway, pounding your fist against the cold brick as you closed your eyes shut in an attempt to keep the tears from falling. But it was becoming harder and harder to keep your emotions held in when the feeling of hot wax formed in the back of your throat, your heart beginning to sink in your chest into the pit of your stomach. You knew that the second you opened your eyes you wouldn't be able to stop yourself.

Dammit..! Why am I still so weak?


A voice rang through your ears, somehow getting past all the stressful thoughts that you had piled up in your mind.

"What are you doing here this late?"

You tried to fight the urge to open your eyes, because you knew all too well who this voice belonged to. But you couldn't help it. Your eyelids slowly opened, revealing glassy eyes to your savior. The second his irises found yours, a hot tear ran down the sides of your pale cheeks. You pursed your lips, brows clashing together in an attempt to hold it all back.

His grey-blue hues widened slightly, realizing that right now you weren't your regular self—you were vulnerable.

The blonde boy offered you his hand.


You released a shaky breath, feeling more salty tears cascade down your cheeks he continued to wait for you.

Why do you still believe in me..?

You met his gaze again—his irises never wavering off of your figure. As if he was saying, 'I'm here' by just looking at you. After catching your breath, you hesitantly reached for his hand, fingertips brushing against his ever so slightly.

A small gasp escaped your lips when you felt his hand gently take yours before pulling you into him, his other hand resting against the back of your head.

"Kurapika.." You whispered, clutching his shirt tightly in your hand, "I—"

He didn't respond, but only gently pushed your head into his chest. Your lips formed a frown, grasping his shirt even tighter as you felt more tears on the brink of falling from the rims of your eyes—clouding your vision as it became a blur.

You sobbed into his chest unceasingly, not being able to hold back the wails of frustration and sadness that escaped your lips. You had tried your best not to think about it, but going to the meeting, Kurapika holding you like this—you couldn't be strong anymore.

You felt his hand run softly through your hair, clearing your face of any stray hairs as though he was caring for something so fragile.

"It's alright," He whispered, lacing his fingers with yours, "Whatever it is, it's alright."

You nodded, wiping away the tears after pulling away to catch your breath. He began walking with you down the street, hand in hand towards the hotel.

You watched a he was about to press the button of the floor your room was on, your body acting on its own as you stopped him from pressing it.

"No," You squeaked, "Not.. Not yet."

He complied, leading you to his room instead. After closing the room door behind you, he released his hand from yours, the warmth that was once there suddenly disappearing as he walked towards the closet.

"I won't ask if you don't want me to," He said, returning in front of you with a shirt and pants. "But your clothes are ripped."

You followed his gaze, realizing there was a patch that revealed the skin on your shoulder. Your eyes slightly widened in realization, running your fingertips where the tattoo had been only hours ago.


"Oh, this? Nothing to worry about," You walked towards the bathroom, clothes in hand. In a swift movement you slid into the bathroom, quickly locking the door before placing your hand on your chest. Your breaths were slightly quickened when you felt your heart pounding restlessly against your hand.

What.. What is this feeling?

You sighed, brushing the thought away while tying your hair into a messy bun before turning on the shower.

time skip brought to you by JHOOOOOORRRSSEEEE — 

The door lock clicked as you opened it, stepping into the room with a baggy dress shirt and sweatpants—both belonging to Kurapika. The blonde was at the foot of the bed, sitting at a desk while studying the screen of a laptop.

You fell into the soft memory foam at the edge of the bed, laying on your stomach to watch him work. "Can't sleep?"

His eyes stayed focused on the screen as he typed, "I wasn't planning on it."

You frowned, knowing very well that he was probably exhausted from weeks of non-stop working, whether it was typing paperwork or studying files on Mr. Nostrade's business transactions. With as much energy you had left, you stood up, marching towards the laptop before closing the screen.

"You know, there's this thing called sleeping, Kurapika," A smile managed to form on your lips as he stared at you, a glint in his eyes you couldn't understand, "You should try it sometime."

The blonde sighed heavily, as though he was slightly irritated of you not letting him work. But he still followed you under the comforter after switching the lights off.

"What if," You shifted so that you were laying on your side, facing his back, "What if I don't want to hurt you, but no matter what I did, in the end you'd still be hurt?"

After a few minutes with still no answer, you assumed that he was already asleep.

"At least it was you," Kurapika spoke quietly enough for you to hear," And because it was you, I would forgive you."

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —


Really quick Author's Note, I just wanted to say that I have signed up for this HxH fanfiction contest and I would really appreciate it if you voted. 

How to vote: 

1. Go to @PrincessConstance 's profile 

2. Click on Vote Here book 

3. Click on x Reader chapter 

4. Comment: VOTE next to the Faded: Kurapika x Reader book

Award/Special Thank You: 

Author-san will cry in tears of happiness and give you the opportunity to request what character x Reader I should do next or request a oneshot! 

Love, Kai ( ◠‿◠ ) 

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