Arc 33

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"Yah," Taehyung waved a hand in front of your face, "Yah, (y/n)!"

There was no reaction from you whatsoever, and you continued to space out.

Until you felt something sting on your forehead.

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" You hissed in pain, glaring at Taehyung. "What was that for?!"

"I've been trying to brief you on what Neon-sama wants to buy for the past half hour!" He clicked his tongue, "But you've just been staring and smiling like a goddamn idiot."

The grin on your face came back when you remembered why you were in such a good mood. Memories of Kurapika willingly hugging you made a chill run down your spine.

"Why are you so happy?" The raven-haired boy asked.

"None of your business~"

".. Annoying brat."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing~"

Melody chuckled to herself as she watched you two argue. Just then, you heard your phone ring.

"I'll be right back guys," You said before going outside.

The caller ID was unknown.

That's weird..

"Hello?" You answered.

"(Y/n)! It's been awhile."

You froze when you heard the voice.

".. Shalnark?"

"Yeah! Did you forget about me already?"

"Of course not," A small chuckle escaped your lips, recalling the fun times you've had with him. At least he wasn't your brother. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to remind you that our meeting is tonight. So don't be late! The boss might get upset with you again, and you know how I feel about that."

You frowned a little, knowing that the only reason Chrollo would go easy on you was because of the other members. "Yeah, okay."

"I'll see you tonight! And by the way, everyone says hi."

He hung up.

You went back into the cafe, sitting down next to Melody.

"Who was it?" Taehyung asked. "Do I need to beat someone up?"

"No, it was just an old friend of mine."

"Anyways, I already told you where Neon wants to shop. And don't tell me I didn't warn you."

"How bad could it possibly be?"

You were both mentally and physically dying by the 20th store.

"(Y/n)! Put this in the cart too!"


"(Y/n)! This dress please!"


"(Y/n)! This jacket!"

"O.. Kay..."

You were panting, resting both hands on your knees with a swarm of shopping bags at your feet.

"C'mon, (y/n)! We're not even halfway down yet!"

"But Neon-sama, it's your 100th store—"

"Just a few more, I promise~"

Congratulations, you just played yourself. It was another 100 hundred damn stores.

"Neon-sama, Melody, Basho.." You laid on the floor, arms crossed over your chest. "I think I see the light—"

"Oh shut up, kid!" Basho sighed and pulled you to your feet.

Melody looked at the pale blue haired girl, "Neon-sama, is there a special occasion?"

Her eyes lit up, as if she waiting for someone to finally ask that question.

"Of course there is! I wouldn't be buying all this stuff, yknow!"

YeS yOu woUld—

"There's a masquerade ball for the auction, and I couldn't have my bodyguards looking like that."

You rose a brow, looking down at your outfit. You were wearing a short sleeved white collared button up, high waisted black jeans, and (f/c) doctor martens.

"These are the nicest clothes I have—"

"Nope! Not anymore! And (y/n), your hair would look so pretty if it's done!"

She grabbed a (h/c) lock of straight, long hair, running her fingers through it until she reached the end—around your waist.

"And Basho! If you shaved you would look so much younger!"


"Wait, wait.. You're bringing us with you?" You watched as Neon nodded.

"You guys are too obvious sometimes, so you need to dress up!"

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

You stared at the ground, your gut telling you that something bad was going to happen—soon.

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