Arc 21

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The lightning crackled outside, followed by the pounding of heavy rain. You despised thunder, but the rain wasn't so bad.

You sat cross-legged on the memory foam bed, shallowing your breathing as you continued to meditate and practice Ten.  After a couple more minutes, you opened your eyes and blew out the scented candles.

Maybe I should explore a little.

The halls were empty, sounds of the storm echoing through it. There wasn't much to find, however. Since the rooms were mostly empty or locked.

You rose a brow as you were suddenly plunged into darkness, the chandelier lights flickering off. You decided to shrug it off and keep walking down the hall, about to turn a corner. But you slammed into somebody. Hard.

Your feet stumbled back, but you had managed to catch yourself. Your eyesight finally adjusted, and there was the sight of familiar blonde locks.

"Oh.." You locked eyes with the blonde boy. "Hey."

"Are you here because of the blackout, too?" He bluntly asked.

"..No, I was just walking around."

You headed to the control room, and Kurapika attempted to turn on the backup generators. But for some reason, it wouldn't work. So now you were in the bodyguard's office, where he was browsing through some files.

There was an awkward tension between you, and it was bothering you. It was like you two faded away in just the span of a couple of months. It almost scared you, since he was an entirely new person.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" You suddenly asked, "It's the middle of the night."

"I could ask the same thing to you."

The blonde boy closed the file before standing up and storing it in a drawer.

"Research." He finally replied, sitting back down in a chair. "And you?"


"A somewhat similar goal."

There was yet another pause of silence where you shifted uncomfortably.

"Hey," You leaned against the desk he was sitting behind, "How... How did we end up like this..?"

Man I️ lowkey feel like wattpad's dead.

Chappy Question:
Do you watch Korean/or Japanese dramas?

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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