Arc 41

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For a moment, you were brought back to reality, meeting the gaze of the boy in front of you. He had pushed the cup of coffee you ordered towards you, the steam from the heat once emitting from the liquid now gone.

"Sorry," You took the cup in between your fingers, absorbing the heat of the coffee that was left, "You were saying?"

The blonde let a small sigh escape his lips before standing up, walking towards the exit. You took the cup with you, following the boy as he pushed the door open and entered the hustling and bustling of the crowded streets of Yorknew.

It was a habit of yours to get lost in thought whenever you were thinking of something that was on your mind.

But this time was different.

You knew better than to get involved with Kurapika—with any boy, especially since he was after the Phantom Troupe. You knew that once Chrollo or one of the Troupe saw you—it would be a living hell for both you and him. The way your life was going, you hadn't decided it, your brother did. He had already planned a life for you, one that benefited him and the one thing he treated like family—the Troupe.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Kurapika asked, catching your undivided attention.

Ah, last night.

"No," You took a sip of your cold coffee, trying to stifle a small smile at remembering the events of the evening. "You were too distracting."

From the corner of your eye you could see the pink scatter across his cheeks. A laugh escaped your lips, amused that you had managed to make him feel flustered. "I'm just kidding, I did. Did you?"

"No," The Kurta averted his gaze from you, facing towards the street. "You were the one that was too distracting."

The smile on your lips grew, recalling after you finally got your answer from the Kurta, he had decided to spend more time with you. You knew for sure that you would never forget it.

But a thought crossed your mind when you remembered that he was not the only boy that you had made a memorable night for.

Taehyung was still out there.

The smile faded, turning back into the frown from a few minutes ago. That boy was the first person to save you—even before Kurapika. He had shown you the stars for the very first time, and took beatings from your brother because of that. He was the boy that you had initially fallen for, your first savior.

And you had turned him away.

The Kurta noticed your smile disappear, and as if he read your mind—brushed his knuckles against your own, subtly entangling his fingers with yours.
"He'll be fine," His voice was low—almost a whisper, only loud enough for you to hear, "He'll be fine because it's him."

You glanced down at his attempt to reassure you, your eyes traveling to the back of his hand, his knuckles against your own as his fingers barely tangled with yours. It was a symbol, a statement. It was his way of saying, you can depend on me, so stop keeping everything to yourself.

A pit formed in your stomach, guilt blossoming through your body, through your heart as you turned your gaze to the boy's face. It was like a bullet went through your chest when you realized that soon, too soon, you'd lose him too. Just like you lost Taehyung.

If only there was more time..

The next trash can you saw you threw your unfinished coffee in. You took his hand, fully intertwining your fingers with his, your other hand closing around his wrist. There wasn't much time until tonight, until he figured out who you truly were. Until you would lose him. You decided that with the time remaining, you would do what you could to be with him like this. You would do what you could to fill the void he had, just until you couldn't anymore.

The blonde seemed unfazed at your sudden act of affection and kept walking down the street, "I'm having Melody and the others cover our shifts for most of the auction tonight."

As if on reflex, your gaze darted back to the blonde Kurta. "What? Why?"

"Back at the cafe with Gon, Killua and Leorio," The Kurta glanced at you for a brief second. "We were plotting a move."

Your eyes widened slightly, your shoulders tensing when the realization hit you like a smack to the face. There was only one target that he would plan to hit during this time in Yorknew. You composed yourself, restraining any emotions that were bubbling within.

"What are you planning?" You asked—reluctantly.

The blonde pulled you closer to him, lips hovering above your ear as he sharply turned the corner. "One of the members."

A chill jolted your spine as the heat of his breath brushed against your ear, his voice suddenly deepening into a husky tone. The warmth turned into a blazing, unbearable scorch that spread throughout your whole body, your palms starting to become clammy as your lungs became tight—your breaths coming out fast and short. Your heart was beating against your rib cage, scenarios playing in your mind about how wrong this could possibly go. He didn't need to tell you the details, as you had already figured it out.

He was going to kill one of them.

One of your own.

"Kurapika," Your voice was small, almost like a squeak. "You have to understand, these people, they're insane—they'll rip you to shreds and—"

"I know."

By now, the Kurapika your knew from the past would have already lost his composure, eyeballs laced with a blazing crimson red that burned with fury. But this boy who was standing next to you, guiding you through the crowd—he had matured. You decided that now, you weren't going to try to stop him. Another attempt would be futile.

"When," The words came out choked, fear practically blossoming through your veins at the thought of the blood spilling as your grip tightened on his hand.

Red stained walls.

Corpses sprawled on the floor, void of any life.

Eyeballs laced with red, glowing a translucent crimson as they rolled across the room.

You almost stumbled after the pictures danced through your mind, the muscles in your legs tightening as the vision revealed itself.

But this wasn't one of your forgotten memories.

It was a glimpse of the inevitable future.

"Soon," The blonde answered, turning his gaze towards something in the distance. You followed his train of vision to three silhouettes. "Be prepared."

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —


Update on the Hunter x Hunter Contest 2017:

They deleted their account, unfortunately. But don't worry, your votes weren't in vain. You can still post your one shot requests and suggestions for my next X Reader on my bulletin.

Again thank you so much for your support for your votes and if you just read this book for fun!

Next chappy will come out sooner!

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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