Arc 30

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You felt nervous. You were anxious as you paced back and forth from either sides of the room.

"You might as well just go, kid." Basho sighed, "You dressed up and everything, and watching you pace stresses me."

In the mirror you could see yourself in the clothes Yuno gave you. Long locks of (h/c) hair curled at the ends. Baise, the antisocial lady that used her kisses to control people, even did your makeup a little bit. Before you knew it, Melody pushed you outside the hotel room and handed you your shoes.

"Have fun, (y/n)." She smiled before closing the door in your face.

Was I really just kicked out?!

In the corner of your eye, you could see someone approaching you. To your surprise, it was a certain blonde.


You picked up the drinks you ordered from the counter, making your way to the boy who was waiting for you outside the cafe. You handed him his tea, watching with concern as he drank it.

"Kurapika, are you really ok?" You asked, brows furrowing.

He nodded, "I'm fine."

You knew that he had been working longer hours than anybody else, and more than anything you didn't want him to overwork himself. You put the back of your hand against his forehead, pushing away his blonde bangs.

"Stop working so hard. Think of your body, too." You looked into his widened eyes, "You haven't been eating either!" You sighed heavily, gently taking his wrist as you walked down the street.

He hesitantly followed, eyes still slightly widened. But you suddenly came to a stop as Kurapika pulled away from you.

"I never asked you to be concerned." He sighed, averting his gaze from yours.

You mentally thanked God when you heard your phone ring. Glancing down at your phone, you distracted yourself by looking at the message Leorio sent. It said to meet at the park, and here you were. At first you couldn't find the boys, but then in the corner of your eye you saw a familiar white albino.

"Come get me!" The white-haired boy was being chased by a certain kid dressed in green. But to your surprise, he jumped up and smashed a plate of pie into his friend's face.

The green-haired boy quickly wiped the pie off of his face and got a plate of food, throwing it in revenge. Mid-throw his honey irises had realized you were watching. "Kurapika! (y/n)!" He grinned as he ran up to you, "It's been awhile–" Your mouth fell open when another pie was planted into his face.

"Killua, I'm gonna kill you!"


You were about to laugh, but the blonde who stood next to you beat you to it. He was actually.. Smiling. In your chest, you could feel your heart beating against your ribcage as you watched him. 

faded ❦ ︱ Kurapika x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now