Arc 3

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Got some fighting up in this part :)

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You ducked, dodging the punch. This old man was a lost faster than you'd thought he'd be, but not fast enough. Before he knew it, you had already lunged a kick to his legs. You watched as he fell to the floor, but before he could even start to get up, you planted your foot on his neck.

"Surrender, Bodoro—"

He clawed your ankle in a death grip before swiftly getting on one knee and threw you into the wall across the room.

"This fight isn't over yet, girl." He growled, wiping some sweat from his forehead.

Your lips curled into a smirk as you tore your arms from the wall, jumping down to meet the fierce gaze of the grey-haired man. He held an open palm towards you, a fist at his waist as he got in his fighting position.

"Is that all you've got, (Y/n)?!" He yelled, piercing grey irises staring you down.

You bolted towards him, grabbing a few rocks and threw it at him with as much force as you could. He blocked the rocks with crossed forearms.

This is it!

Your legs pumped faster towards a slanted boulder a few feet in front of you. You pushed yourself off of it, jumping into the air. The smoke that the rocks managed to create was wearing off, and you could see the look on Bodoro's face when he didn't know where you were.

You swung a leg back, and threw a feint kick to his head. Instead you landed behind him, roughly grabbing his ponytail before bringing a hand up to his neck.

"I suggest you give up now." You smirked, pulling his hair harder.

"I surrender." He hissed, stumbling back.

"Victory goes to (Y/n)!"

A pain jolted through your ankle as you took a step towards the sidelines. You silently cursed to yourself, slightly stumbling forward when the realization hit you.

I screwed up..

"(Y/n), do you feel alright?" You could feel your muscles suddenly tense when you felt someone gently take your arm and throw it over their shoulder. "Does it hurt?"

Your (e/c) hues settled on the blonde Kurta who was mere centimeters away, taking you to the sidelines. A slight flutter erupted in your stomach when he met your gaze—and suddenly your legs buckled underneath you.

Did I just fall?

You sharply inhaled when you felt his arm tighten around your waist—the skin underneath the fabric of your shirt tingling at his touch. Your chest tightened as the flutter from a few moments ago turned into multiple butterflies.

What is this feeling..?

You cleared your throat, "Yeah, it hurts."

"I'll take you to a doctor."

You nodded, noting that it was pointless to argue.

— — —

"You're lucky it's a grade two ankle sprain." The middle aged man pushed his glasses up with his slim fingers. "All you did was tear a few ligaments."

"How long will it take to heal?"

Your gaze slid to the composed blonde who was asking the doctor more questions than you were.

"Two to three weeks," The doctor gave him a smile, lighting a cigarette. "For a normal person."

You examined the heavy black boot on your left leg, sighing heavily.

At least Chrollo didn't see this..

"Are you feeling any better?"

Your eyes darted to the boy at the doorway, and watched with slightly widened eyes as he walked towards the bed.

In response to his question you nodded, feeling slightly anxious under his gaze. You hesitated to ask one of your own, curling your fingers at the sheets under you.

"Why did you help me, Kurapika?"

His lips formed a barely noticeable smile, "Are we not comrades?"

.. Comrades?

An image of the boy with jet black hair from your dreams flickered in your mind.

"After Trick Tower, I considered you as one." You watched as he walked back towards the door. "But anyways, you could use some rest."

"Kurapika," The blonde glanced over his shoulder, "... Thank you."

He gave you another smile, a hand on the doorknob. "Friends don't have to thank each other."

You fell back on the bed when you heard the door close.

Such a weird guy.

But you couldn't say that you weren't friends. Being stuck in a room all you had was time. Time to tell each other what you were doing taking the Hunter Exam in the first place. And you don't just tell anybody where you come from.

You ran a hand through your (h/c) locks, your shoulders feeling heavy. He had trusted you enough to talk about his family, and how they were massacred by the Troupe—your family. You didn't make up a story, but you were very vague about your past. A heavy sigh escaped your lips, and suddenly you felt burdened. Guilt was clawing at your heart.
For once somebody outside your inner circle had seen you as a person.

You actually cared about him. The human part of you was starting to become attached to someone, and that would be your downfall.


You shot up, eyes darting to the door. It was Kurapika, panting heavily with brows furrowed.

"It's Killua.." He gulped, "He.. killed Bodoro."

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That fighting scene was inspired by Wonder Woman btw.

Don't forget to comment and rate!

Any cute love scenes you really like?

Love, Kyte

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