Arc 17

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"They're too fast!" The tall woman with purple hair hissed, "How can we grab them?"

From the corner of your eye you could see Kurapika start to figure out a plan. You decided to dash for him, holding nothing back even though he was someone you cared about. You needed to know how strong he had become.

You swung your arms back, ready to graze him yet again, but at the very last second he had managed to keep his eye on you. Your eyes widened when you saw chains suddenly appear on his hand.

Had those always been there?

You dodged the chain that was trying to grab you, but the second you were caught off guard, the chain managed to surround your body from behind.


As quickly as you could, you backflipped, throwing one of the knives into a hole of the chain and pinned it to the floor. But the blonde didn't stop there. He adjusted his fingers, then shot another chain while you were midair. You transferred some Nen into your knife, deflecting it.

"Behind you!" You heard Taehyung yell.

You took a glimpse behind you, and the chain was already starting to wrap around your head. You quickly transferred Nen into your foot, barely escaping. The chain you had pinned to the floor had shrugged the knife off, and Kurapika had used your blind spot to take advantage.

"Haaaaaaaahhhhhh....!" Your eyes widened when you heard the sound of someone charging at you from yet another blind spot. It was the big muscle man, and he was going to make you pay for earlier. Just then you felt something yank you from above.

"No, Kurapika let me go this once..!—Taehyung?" You stopped yelling for mercy midway through your sentence.

"Yes, dumbass. Now get ready, I'm going to throw you at them."

"Wait, throw—"

"One, two,"



He spun around, causing you to fly in circles around him before he launched you at the big muscle man. A grin formed on your lips as you prepared to stomp down on him. You landed, definitely feeling him block your attack from below.

But for some reason, he was the one smugly smirking. "I admit, I underestimated you, kid. I probably would've lost to you if it weren't for that blonde kid." You dropped the knife, surprising the man as it clattered on the ground. You could already hear the rustling of metal around your body.

An invisible force threw you into the wall, making a huge pit where you were the center. You could see Taehyung dealing with the other applicants as Kurapika walked towards you.

"To think it would take me so long to figure it out.." He gazed at you, "Your hit and run style were to make the opponent focus more on blocking the attack rather than thinking anything through."

The chains became clearly visible as he started to reach for your mask. "But how did you know my name?" The blonde started to pull it off, revealing some part of your lower face. But suddenly a knife landed right in between the mask and his hand.

Taehyung, whose mask was off, was grabbed by the big muscle man. "Give it up, we were bound to know anyways, kid."

Kurapika pulled off the mask, eyes widening slightly.

"(Y/n)..?" He almost stuttered.

You gave him an embarrassed smile. "Long time no see?"

The chains released you immediately and returned to Kurapika's sleeve. He still looked dumbfounded at the sight of you. It had been so long, so you didn't know what else to say.

"Well, you passed."


So like at school I thought my pinky was double jointed and I kept saying to my friends "Look, my bone is moving!" And I didn't realize how stupid I sounded LMAO


Chappy Question:


Love, Kyte

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