Arc 13: 1/2

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You decided to get the tattoo right above your knee. And Yuno was right, it barely hurt and it didn't take long.

She let you have the night to yourself afterward, and that's how you found yourself here, walking by a pier at night. You stopped, feeling something drop on your head.


 Soon enough, it started pouring. You leaned against the railing that kept you from falling into the ocean, but deep inside you wanted to jump.

What was I thinking? That I would learn Nen and be more powerful than Chrollo, kill him, and then be on good terms with the people he crushed? Suddenly be Kurapika's friend? More importantly, anyone's friend? Even Killua doesn't know what I am.

I'm guilty of murder. I'm guilty of stealing. I'm guilty of lying. What am I doing here instead of hell? I don't deserve anyone. Especially not Killua or Kurapika, no matter how much I want to stand where they are. I want to stay with them, but what's the point if it isn't real? What's the point if everyone I want to get close to just runs the minute they see me?

You stood on top of the railing and looked up at the sky.

Maybe it's time I paid for all the bad things I've caused.

You lifted a foot off the railing, and closed your eyes, waiting to feel the cold water that would soon drown you. But you never did. When you opened your eyes, you were hanging from the railing. A familiar wire with darts at the end had wrapped around you, keeping you from falling. Before you had time to process everything, you were abruptly thrown into the sidewalk.

A violent cough erupted from your throat, and for once it ached all over. The rope darts tightened around your body, and it hurled you into a car.

Why am I not resisting?

Why am I not fighting?

The alarm went off, and everything became a blur. The sound was blaring through your ears, yet it sounded like faint mumbling. A tall, black figure was looming towards you, but you could care less. He pulled you towards him before shoving you back into the cold concrete.

"I saw your scars, but I didn't think you'd actually want to kill yourself." Your brain barely processed the deep voice. "But I won't let you, because I  have to kill you."

I had even done something to him. He didn't deserve what happened to him, yet I did it anyway.

They were all right. Everyone I hurt, they were all right. No matter what I did to try and redeem myself, I still brought them pain. I still killed the people they loved.

Now your vision was clear, and the looming figure was the person you thought they'd be. There it was, the glassy layer of tears. The feeling of hot wax forming in the back of your throat. You bit your lip hard, trying to contain the sound of weak yelps even if it meant shedding a little blood. But you just couldn't anymore. You stared him straight in the eye as salty tears clouded your vision, and all you could do was cry.

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —

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Love, Kyte

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