Arc 43

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You only had one option.

It was either you chose to keep spending time with the person who your very existence was for—and continue to lie to him about who you truly were, or you could return to the life of being the Troupe member that would continue a damned legacy.

If you were to continue hiding your true identity, you knew that somehow Kurapika would find out. Sooner or later the truth would reveal itself, and even though you hated to admit it—he wouldn't hear it from you.

"Dammit," You mumbled, bringing your thumb to your lips and began chewing on the nail.

It was easy to run away from Chrollo, to run away from a destiny that he had already made for you. But that was only because you kept convincing yourself that you weren't who he said you were. It was easy creating a mask and disposing of it when it was convenient.

But now you were trapped.

You had no choice but to face what you were running from in the first place.

Your own self.

A knock on your door distracted you from your thoughts, and in a swift movement you reached for the doorknob. The door swung open to reveal the familiar, short woman.

"(y/n)," Her voice was soft as she spoke, "Have I come at a unpleasant time?"

You followed her gaze to your disheveled coffee table cluttered with documents which you were supposed to be studying for the past few hours.

"No, no. I was done anyways." A smile formed on your lips as you allowed her inside. "What's up?"

"There's not much time left until the auction. I came here to check on you."

"Ah, well I'm ready for dispatch whenever." You brushed off your dress pants, straightening the sleeves of your button up.

Melody continued to gaze at you. Though it was vague, she seemed unsatisfied with your answer. "You're troubled."

Stupid heart..

"That paperwork was a little much." You began to stroll to the door, "But forget the boring papers, we should meet up with the others."

The small woman followed you out the room, trailing by your side as you walked down the hall. Not once did she avert her gaze from you, as she knew that words on a document weren't enough to make your heartbeat this chaotic.

"Two of you will guard the front entrance. That will be Melody and Kurapika." Dalzollene glanced in your direction before handing you a piece of paper. "You, Baise, and Basho will be attending the auction on behalf of Mr. Nostrade. Make sure you obtain these items."

"Hey, boss," Basho pointed at the list in your hands with his thumb. "Is there a budget?"

"The numbers don't matter. Get those items at any cost." Dalzollene tapped on his earpiece, soft feedback echoing from the intercom. "We'll be in touch."

The poet hovered over your shoulder, seemingly dumbfounded as he stroked his beard. "Damn, he spends money like it comes out of thin air or something.."

Your eyes travelled down the list which consisted of mostly collectible limbs. It puzzled you how people actually spent billions of dollars on amputated hands or donated locks of hair from deceased women.

"Funny how it's rich people with the weird fetishes." Baise snorted, resting her palms on her waist.

The smile quickly disappeared as fast as it formed on your lips when you read the last item of the list. This item, even after all these years were still at the interest of pathetic men who saw human beings as trophies they needed to get their filthy hands on. It nauseated you now that you were reminded that it was partially your doing to why this body part was floating around in a capsule instead of attached to an actual person.

For a moment you froze, your orbs glued on the small black letters printed in ink.

"(y/n)? (y/n)—"

You could feel the blood pound in your ears, your heart thudding in your chest—threatening to jump out. Your hands were trembling the longer you stared at it, the words becoming blemishes that you could no longer read.

All you could see was the blood trickling onto the floor as your brother shoved his pale fingers into the eye slits of an innocent person, ripping their eyeballs out. The deranged grin spreading across his face at the muscle that was between his fingers, pulsing a vibrant scarlet red.

You forced a gulp down your throat as you shoved the paper into Baise's hands.

The blonde boy was already looking at you as you glanced at him from over the other bodyguards, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Auction Team," Kurapika trudged towards the door to the lobby, "Let's get going."

One last time you studied the list, confirming which items you were assigned to bid on before trailing behind him. Fate was enjoying playing around with you, as it wasn't a coincidence that it had decided for you to collect the Kurta Eyes. 

  — ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —  


Also dw the next chapter will be like 1000 words long lmao—

Ohmygod I know it's been a whillleee but hella stuff happened to me these past six months. 

I'm just glad I'm not as busy anymore since I am on winter break, so I will be updating until school starts up again in the first week of January. 

Don't worry, I won't disappear this time even after because I am going to finish this book! 

I don't know if yall read my conversations but just in case ya didn't ya fav Author-san is going to start a new project and this time it isn't going to be a fanfic. It will be my very own story! It's still in progress but I hope that yall can support me once it comes out

CHAPPY QUESTION: How did your year go?

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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