Arc 18

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Yo. I just realized that it's damn near Christmas :oooo

A week after the test, the applicants were required to go to an unloading dock to present to Dalzollene, the head bodyguard, some of the items that were difficult to obtain.

You were on the deck of the ship with Yuno, Tae, Dalzollene, and the rest of bodyguards to meet up with Kurapika and the others who took the test.

But there was an angry-looking Tae standing in front of you, with a ripped up jacket.

He took a few steps towards you, forcing your feet to bolt the other direction. He was chasing you, and he was catching up quickly.

"It was an accident!" You yelled, "I didn't mean to!"

"I call you on your bull!"

You took a sharp turn, stumbling a little at how swiftly you dashed. But that didn't stop him from going full speed in order to catch you. He threw both of his rope darts, and you knew you had no choice but to jump off the ship. You leaped, and luckily enough your feet had found cement of the dock. It caught you off guard, however. Since you didn't know you had already arrived at the unloading site.

The burning sensation of wire wrapping around your body made you remember why you wanted to get off in the first place. You were being reeled in, and soon enough you were trapped.

"Regret it now?" He smirked, pulling the wire tighter.

It was like the air was knocked out of your lungs, "N-no."

"What was that?"

The wires disappeared, and just when you thought you had a chance to escape, you felt a pair of arms sweep you off the floor.

"H-hey!" You yelped as he started to run towards the end of the dock. "What are you doing?!"

"Throwing you into the ocean."

"EH?? Don't do it, Tae!"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he prepared to throw you off. You couldn't stop screaming at the thought of being discarded into the depths of the water. But the sound of laughter made your eyes shoot open. When you looked up, those light brown irises of his weren't plain and stoic, and instead they looked lively for once—sparkling with color and leaking with tears. His lips were curled in a cute toothy grin, and he seemed like he was having the time of his life just laughing.

"What's so funny?!" You asked, raising a brow at his expression.

"Your face!" Tae set you down before wiping some tears from the corner of his eyes. "You look stupid all the time, but you looked extra retarded."

"EH??? I don't look stupid all the time! You do!" You pouted, brows furrowing. "And plus I knew you were going to throw me!"

"Yeah, you did. That's why you even begged me not to."


"But I never would. Not in the sea anyway. Drowning is a stupid way to die if you know how to swim."

It hit you when you realized what he was talking about.

"We both promised to not talk about that—"

"Oi! (Y/n), Tae! Get your asses over here and stop slacking off!" Yuno yelled in the distance.

"Yeah, Tae, stop slacking." You snickered.

"Shut up."

I'm literally deceased because this book has reached 2k friggin reads and 100 friggin rates and 50 friggin comments ohmylordjesus im-

Thank you so much guys I couldn't have made it this far without you~!

AnD beFore yoU geT conFuzion I️ chanGed my namE to Kai instead of Kyte. Sorry the Kyte flew away :)

Chappy question:

What do you want for Christmas?

Love, Kai

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