Arc 6

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Issa start to their relationship—Imeanfriendship.

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A huge grin formed on your lips as the two young boys waved back at you. It was probably going to be a while before you could make fun of the antisocial albino kid again.

"I'll see you around, (Y/n)! Don't forget our promise to meet up in September." Killua smiled while walking backwards, then swiftly turned on his heel to continue conversing with Gon.

"Yeah, ok."

You followed Kurapika and Leorio to the opposite side of the station, contemplating what to do. Gon and Killua were on their way to some arena, but who knows what you wanted to do. You couldn't go back to Chrollo—not yet. Not when you couldn't see.
But what the hell does that mean?

"Well, this is my stop." The tall, older looking brunette pushed his glasses up, reaching inside his pocket for a few small, laminated pieces of paper. "Just call my card if you need anything."

"Hey Leorio," You took one of the cards from him, Kurapika taking the other. "What's next for you?"

"That's obvious," He grinned, hurling his checkered briefcase over his shoulder. "Become a great doctor!"

A chuckle escaped your lips as you watched him walk towards an escalator.

"See you soon, (y/n)-Chan! Kurapika!"

After waving and saying farewell, Kurapika and you started walking down the hall.

"Well, this is my stop." You shoved your hands in the back pockets of your jeans, shooting the blonde a smile. "You don't have to worry, I'll keep everything you told me a little secret between us."

"I've never doubted your ability to do that." The Kurta returned the small grin, meeting your gaze.
It took you a few moments to realize that you were lost in his deep, grey-blue irises. "I, uh, should go. Goodbye, Kurapika."

"Wait, (Y/n)."

You faced him, raising your brow in confusion as the blonde started to rummage through his plain, grey messenger bag. Your lips parted faintly upon locking your gaze on the thin hard cover binder he pulled out.

"Satotz-San gave it to me, and told me it was yours." He handed it to you, slightly entertained by your widened eyes. "Good luck out there."

It took you a few seconds to register that Kurapika had helped you out yet another time. When you had finally snapped out of your daze, the young blonde was already walking down the hall, starting to blend in with the wave of people.


You bolted towards him, ignoring the piercing stares of the bystanders who were quietly judging you for yelling in such a crowded area.


"Thank you." You threw your arms around his neck, a grin forming on your lips as you inhaled his scent.
".. I-I hope you avenge your family."

"(Y/n), I—"

"Don't worry, you'll see me again."

Before he had the chance to return the embrace, you pulled away and swiftly made your way back to the escalator.

That definitely wouldn't be the last time you would meet.

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