Arc 37

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A slight groan escaped your lips when you felt yourself start to wake up.

Five more minutes..

You shifted your body, snuggling yourself into the pillow. It felt good having the chance to rest this well after weeks of sleepless nights because of work.

But for some reason the pillow wasn't as soft. For some reason the pillow even had a scent—a familiar scent that made the adrenaline pump in your heart when your body recognized it.

A chill shot through your spine when you felt something brush against your waist, so softly that it almost felt ticklish. Your eyes shot open, greeted by a view you weren't expecting.

His eyes were still closed, little strands of blonde bangs falling ever so slightly above them. It was impossible not to notice how long his eyelashes were, how his nose was carved into such a cute shape, how plump and soft his lips were—

Get yourself together, (y/n)!

And you could even see tiny, light brown specks scattered above his nose bridge. So small and transparent you didn't even know they were there.

He has..freckles?

You raised your hand, using the very tips of your fingers to brush away the hairs blocking his eyes. A smile crept onto your lips, a small amount of blood rushing to your cheeks as your eyes continued to softly study his peaceful features. For once he wasn't stressed, angry, or even looked sad. He was just.. him.


But suddenly, you felt something wrap around your waist.

What was that?

It was his hand, fingers brushing ever so slightly against your skin that his dress shirt had failed to cover. Your skin was tingling under his touch, forcing butterflies to scatter in your stomach—a feeling you couldn't register when his face became just centimeters away as he pulled you into him. A squeal threatened to slip from your lips, but you bit your lip to hold it in.

Your eyes trailed down to his lips again, and you could practically feel your heart beating in your ears the longer you stared. You didn't even know you were leaning in until suddenly an alarm blared through the room.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A rush of adrenaline bursted through your body when you felt the blonde stirr in front of you, watching his eyebrows knit together at the sound of the alarm. He shifted so that now he was laying on his back, throwing his arms over his eyes in an attempt to distract himself from the annoying sound.

You swiftly and quietly sat up, slipping from under the covers to get up. The boy still in bed released a low groan, seeming irritated by the alarm.

"Hang in there," You smiled, shuffling over to the nightstand on his side of the bed. You reached a hand out to the clock, pressing the button and almost instantaneously the alarm shut up.

However, you couldn't stop your jaw from practically dropping when you saw a piece of polaroid film sitting next to it.

Wait, this is..

You could feel the blood rush back to your cheeks like a tsunami as you studied the photo. Your body was covered by the blanket, the angle the picture was taken making the side of your face and the dress shirt that he had loaned you visible. The blonde was beside you, leaning in so that your foreheads were touching. It was then your eyes travelled to the center of the picture, following Kurapika's arm as it draped across the side of your neck, his elbow resting on your shoulder as his forearm outlined the shape of the back of your head. It was like he was a puzzle, holding you like that had completed it.

Oh, those bastards. Your eyebrows clashed together, cheeks puffing to prevent yourself from smiling. I'm gonna kill them!

"You're asking me to murder you," You shot up from your chair, slamming your palms onto the table, "Seriously! I will make you want to jump off a cliff, but then I would bring you back from the dead just to kill you myself!"

The somewhat youthful looking grandpa chuckled before smirking from behind his notepad of poems, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, kid. It's normal for teens like you to hook up—"

"We didn't sleep together, Basho!" You quickly argued, catching the attention of nearby customers who were also spending their morning in the cafe. You sunk back down into your chair, forcefully chugging down your drink.

"Even if you didn't, Melody and I know you want to." Basho turned his head towards the short female who sat across from you, before following her gaze to the counter. "Speak of the damn devil."

Oh, God.

You fidgeted with the cup in your hands, remembering the fatal mistake you had made this morning. You wanted to kill Basho so bad you forgot to hide the blackmail picture.

All three of you glued your gazes on the blonde Kurta who was patiently waiting for his drink, practically attacking him with anticipating eyeballs. But he didn't break, and continued like his usual composed self—not even giving the slightest clue to how he felt.

A small, disappointed groan rumbled in the back of your throat when he finally picked up his drink, turning his back to walk out of the cafe. You doubled over, crossing your arms over the table to rest your chin on them.

"Told you you wanted to sleep with him."

Another groan escaped your lips as you buried your face into your arms.

But little did you know that the he had smiled at you before walking out. 

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —


Please don't forget to vote for my story in this year's HxH Fanfiction Competition!

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Love, Kai ( ◠‿◠ ) 

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