Arc 39

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Not now.

I can't be weak now.

You inhaled deeply, composing yourself before going inside the beautiful, palace-like building. There are no room for errors tonight—not when the auction is tomorrow. Not when you had only one more night before giving up your freedom, the life you loved gone.

As much as you hated to admit it, Melody proved her point. You were afraid of feeling anything, you hated that you were attached to so many people who would turn their backs on you the minute they found out your secret. You hated that you felt guilty every second you continued to lie.

The more you feel, the more likely you are to die.
That sentence was a rule you lived by for as long you can remember. But right now, you decided that even if you had to keep lying, it would protect the people that you needed. For now, everything could be normal.

You heard the tip of your heel click against the golden, pale marble, greeted by the crowd who seemed to have a life on their own. Your eyes searched the crowd, observing the glittering colors of the metallic and pastel dresses and the suits of dark, different shades. The chatter echoed off the walls of the vast space, the words impossible to hear as men and women continued to catch up, make small talk, and even make new allies to use for power.

"Neon, where are you?" You mumbled to yourself, still frozen by the entrance, overwhelmed by how full of life the crowd was.

Your eyes followed the patterns on the wall to the glass windows above next to the ceiling. In the shadows, if you looked closely enough, you could see the vague outlines of people. Slowly, you brought a hand to your ear, gently tapping on the earpiece.

"Does anybody have visuals on—"

"She's by the center," A voice whispered in your ear, and you knew that it wasn't the intercom.

You spun on your heel, eager to meet whoever the voice belonged to.

Oh, it's...

"Taehyung.." You breathed, feeling as though you haven't seen each other for a long time.

The boy looked different. His hair was fluffy, jet black bangs parted to reveal part of his forehead. The black mask he wore covered part of of his face, but it was impossible not to notice the charming glint in his glistening grey irises. Even the black suit made him seem like a different person, more mature.

"Are you Dalzollene's replacement?" He asked, casually slipping his hands into his pockets.

"I thought you were.."

It hit you like a merciless slap to the face. You wanted to believe that it was Taehyung Melody was talking about, you wanted so badly not to face the truth that the Kurta was who made you have feelings you didn't quite understand. You didn't want to have whatever thing with the Kurta that made your heart ache whenever he looked away from you. Your heart race whenever he gave you barely noticeable smiles.
You didn't want to lose him.

For a few minutes you roamed around with Taehyung, making small talk as you observed Neon who was busying herself with other girls of status. Probably showing off the expensive things that her father had bought for her. The other girls seemed to envy her. In a way, you did too.

You averted your eyes to the crowd, not searching for anything in particular. It just happened so suddenly when your (e/c) irises stopped on blonde locks, a crimson mask covering the deep, grey-blue hues that locked onto yours. It sent a chill electrocuting through your spine as your heart begin to race, your fists clenching in anticipation. You wondered if he would approach you, talk to you so you could finally know how he felt.

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