Arc 45

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The abyss seemed to be mocking you as you stared down at it, only to be greeted by a pit of pure darkness. You couldn't make anything out of the pitch black, but you knew that somewhere in this void two people were fighting for their lives. For one of them, it would be the last battle they'd ever have the pleasure of remembering.

It all ends tonight. You thought, One way or another the truth will surface. For months you had internally destroyed yourself from the inside out, agonizing over which side to take. But it seemed that you had finally come to a decision, and you vowed to act on it.

A sudden, loud cry reverberated from the valley beneath your feet, echoing like a clap of thunder as it pierced your eardrums--forcing you out of your thoughts. The high-pitched shriek caught you off guard, as your hands flew up to your ears in an attempt to muffle the excruciating pained noises. It was an ugly, disorienting sound that reminded you of a trapped animal thrashing in a cage, wailing and crying in hopes of attracting a savior. Hearing it, you wanted nothing more than to tear your ears off. To your relief, seconds later the fearful screaming stopped altogether.

What was that? Your mind was racing as you approached the edge of the cliff, daring to peer over. But you stumbled back upon hearing the shattering screech boom once again from the abyss. Just as abruptly, it ceased, leaving you gasping at the sharp pain in your ears. Your head was pounding, and it felt like someone was bashing your temples in from both sides. Just barely, you could make out the sound of a small, deafening ring.

Kurapika, You felt a sudden heaviness on your chest as a chill trickled down your spine, realization dawning on you. Your limbs seemed to go numb, and your heart started racing--your breaths becoming short and quick at the thought of something terrible happening to him.

Impulsively, you scrambled to your feet and without thought jumped into the valley. What if he was hurt? Or facing death at the hand of one of the Troupe members? The thought of the boy meeting his end that way made you sick to your core. To be killed by the very same psychopaths that massacred his clan, you knew he was mad enough to rather take his own life. But even if his body was covered in countless open, burning wounds or clawing at the weapon that made him bleed—Kurapika would fight until his end.

Your feet landed on the nearest platform of rock, and from there you hastily continued descending to the valley floor. You could sense two Nen users, the Kurta and one whose power had been raw, untamed, and seeped with bloodlust. Yet that very same power was beginning to slowly disappear, dissolving into nothingness as it grew weaker and weaker with every passing minute.

You could only pray that he was still unscathed and alive.

It was eerily silent as your eyes searched the valley, desperate to make something out of the darkness. Somewhere in this desolate pit of blackness, the blonde was waiting to be found, despite whatever state he was in. But you wondered if you were going to be able to handle it, the sight of him in pain. It would send you into a frenzy of panic, and you knew you wouldn't be able to think rationally. You bolted further into the canyon, breaking a cold sweat as you glanced over your shoulders to catch sight of something, any sign of him.

God, where could he be?

A queasy feeling formed in your stomach and you felt the slightest bit nauseous. Dread had built up in your core, stabbing into your gut like a blade as you continued to search for him. If you found the Kurta at the mercy of a Troupe member, you wondered what would happen. You hoped you wouldn't have to find out.

The sound of gravel shifting under your shoes was the only thing you could hear as you continued to make your way across the canyon. A sudden groan made you stop dead in your tracks, and you could feel your heart racing even faster, practically banging against your ribcage--threatening to leap out. You broke into a sprint towards the sound, your breath quickening as you drew closer and closer to the whimpers.

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