Arc 1

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Your eyes gazed up at the midnight sky with specks of light called stars. It was all just one big mess blurred together—yet it was beautiful enough to take your breath away. Subconsciously, you extended your arm to reach for it—hoping to catch one of the lights.
A sudden chuckle made you jump a little, immediately reeling your arm into your chest.
"You can't touch it, (y/n)." The young boy laying next to you ran a hand through his jet black hair, charming grey irises staring at you.
"I-I," A blush coated your cheeks, a feeling of embarrassment forming in the pit of your stomach. "It's your fault for bringing me here!"
The boy chuckled once more, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, really?"
You sat up, hugging your knees to your chest. "But thank you.."
"For what?"
"Helping me escape." Images of your brother played in your head, making you rub your biceps in attempt to calm yourself.
"You know," The boy lay in an upright position, leaning his weight on his elbows. "Everything turns out ok in the end. So if everything isn't ok, it isn't the end."

"(Y/n), wake up."

Another vision..?

Your body felt heavy as your eyelids groggily fluttered open, the tip of a shoe digging into your side. A groan escaped your lips, clearly telling whoever woke you up that you didn't want to. You snuggled back into the sleeve of your sweatshirt, completely ignoring the young boy who began to grow irritated.

"Don't make me kick you harder."

Your eyes shot open, meeting the cool gaze of the boy that was leaning against the wall. His albino hair was messy—practically sticking out everywhere. Deep, sky blue eyes were glued on your small frame as he extended a pale hand to pull your hood down.

"It's time for the next Phase."

After a few minutes, you finally registered what he said and stood up—examining your surroundings.

Where am I?

Your gaze slid to the floor underneath your feet, observing the old rustic wood that groaned and creaked, sensitive to any movement. You peered over the railing, big (e/c) irises glistening upon having a glimpse of the beautiful, diverse shades of blue.


It was then that it hit you—you were in the middle of taking the Hunter's Exam. Your eyes darted back to the small crowd of applicants in front of you, observing the diverse characters that were interacting and conversing with each other.

"(Y/n)!" The familiar face of the green-haired boy caught your attention in busy crowd, "Come over here!"

Should I go?

The whole exam you hadn't talked to anyone except for exchanging words with the young Zoldyck assassin, since you had trained together for the past nine years. It was unnecessary to make other friends—or so you were told.

But you decided that it would be more interesting if you did.

"Stop being such a freak." The young Zoldyck sighed, casually shoving his hands in his pockets as he watched you come to a stop next to a certain blonde Kurta.

"Shut up, Killua." You slightly rolled your eyes.
All at once you felt their eyes land you, traveling over every detail of your body—trying to depict what kind of person you were. You rubbed your biceps, feeling intimidated under their gazes. It was strange to you, since you were the one used to observing a target—not the other way around. The one in the blue suit particularly made you uncomfortable since he wasn't trying to hide that he was staring.

"You should give up, Gon." Killua spoke, catching everyone's attention except for the old man who kept his eyes on you. "(Y/n)'s trust is hard to get. It took me four years."

"Yet I became your best friend in a couple days." Gon smiled, throwing an arm around the assassin.


The silver-haired boy was flustered, pale cheeks suddenly turning pink. A smirk formed on your lips, realizing that for once he was vulnerable. You rose your hands to his face, slightly pinching at his pink cheeks.

"Aw, Kil is embarrassed~"

"Stop it! I'll rip your hands off!" He growled, squirming under your grasp.

"You wouldn't do that to me~"

He grabbed your wrists in a death grip, veins clearly becoming visible on his hands as his nails became sharper than knives.

"Ok, ok."

The silver-haired boy let go of you.

"Attention applicants!" A lady with a headset cleared her throat, making you realize that the boat had come to a complete stop. "On this island you will hunt your target. Remember that you need a total of eight points to get to the next phase. We will now be getting off of this boat in the order you completed the tower, starting with #44, Hisoka."

A mountain of hot pink hair made its way off of the boat. For the briefest second the joker's piercing golden irises met yours, a glint of amusement shining in his eyes when you stared back with the same heat and intensity. He gave you a sinister smile, licking his lips before disappearing to who-knows-where in the forest.

He's too handsome to be a creep.

"#99, (Y/n)."

You glanced back at Killua and Gon, giving them a small wave. The blonde Kurta boy hadn't taken his grey-blue irises of off you, and for some reason you felt something leap inside your stomach as he continued to examine your small frame. You decided to wave at him also, a small smile tugging at your lips when you met his gaze.

"See you in a week."

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —


So I've decided to do a thing where I ask a question at the end of every chapter. You can answer in the comment. :')

What's a place you've always wanted to go to?

Don't forget to comment and rate!

Love, Kyte

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