Arc 11

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The sight of blood splattered on the cement floor made you shudder. 

The short boy you had seen the night before was tied to a wall—and for some reason it made your blood boil. Without glancing, you felt an intimidating presence behind you. It was your brother, so you stood still to avoid facing him.

Your eyes snapped open, observing as your aura gently wrapped around your body.

"Yuno!" You called, running towards her as she watched Taehyung fight someone. "I mastered Ten."

"You remember what I said about a goal?" She asked.

"Yes. My goal is to grow stronger, so I can decide my own fate."

You looked down at your hand and balled it into a fist, remembering what Chrollo truly wanted from you. 

To join the Phantom Troupe.

Yuno stared at you for awhile before standing up.

"Continue training, Taetae. I'll be back."

Yuno's aura disappeared. Just like that.

"This is Zetsu. Suppressing your aura." She said, "It's useful when sneaking up on somebody, but it leaves you totally vulnerable against Nen attacks."

She strengthened her aura again, but the power of it was so strong that it almost blew you away.

"Producing aura like this without losing it is Ren."

Yuno then used Ten, and closed her eyes. It took you awhile, but you realized that she wasn't using Ten anymore. Her eyes shot open, and her aura trapped you—there was no escape. You could feel how much she wanted to kill you.

Your eyes widened, and when you caught sight of your hand it was trembling. Her eyes were a dull orange, not how they usually were. They were narrowed at you, glassy and clear.

A shadow was cast upon her face, but those dead eyes and sinister grin was all you could see. She took a step forward, forcing you to stumble back. The minute she saw you fall, she went back to using Ten.

But that fear you felt wasn't new. You've only been afraid of two people your entire life—Chrollo and Silva. And both of them looked at you that way.

"That wasn't the first time you've felt Hatsu, was it?" Yuno asked, staring down at you.

".. No." You stood up and stared at her. "It's hard to believe that my whole life I've been weak. So I beg of you," You bowed deeply, "teach me!"

Yuno nodded, "Then—"

"Don't think for a second that you can make it."

You twirled around, and there was the familiar sight of bandages, raven hair, and light brown hues. Taehyung stepped closer, and looked down on you. Oh, you were definitely going to show this punk.

"Great! We begin official training tomorrow."

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —
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Love, Kyte

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