Arc 10

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I pray for y'all BTS Armys that your bias wrecker/bias isn't Taehyung >:)

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ — 


You rolled up the sleeves of your hoodie before throwing a few punches at the raven-haired boy. His stone grey hues were glued on your face instead of your attacks, and before you knew it, he had caught your fist.

Oh no

He tightly held your fist in his hand before throwing you across the mat. You swiftly got on one knee before pushing yourself towards him, and went in for a kick. He guarded himself, just as you expected. You jumped into the air, disappearing from his line of vision. You started to tumble down, a smirk tugging at your lips since you could finally land a hit on him.

But suddenly, he disappeared.

What? Where'd he

You looked over your shoulder, and there he was, already swinging a kick at you. At the very last minute, you put your arms up in an attempt to guard yourself—and it hurt like hell. But that didn't stop him from kicking you into the mat. You picked yourself back up, wiping some blood and sweat off of your forehead and stared at him with furrowed brows. You've been at this since this morning, and it was almost time for the other thugs to come and warm up for fights later that night.

"Is that all you can do?" His voice was deep from behind his bandages, "Make distractions and attack?"

"Now, now. Take it easy on her." Yuno sighed as she watched you from the edge of the mat. "Maybe we should take a break—"

"No! One more time!" You yelled.

Both of them looked at you. Yuno seemed concerned, while the boy's eyes had the same stoic gaze.

"It's been half a day and you haven't landed a punch yet.." Yuno sighed, "Are you sure?"

"There's a couple minutes until the fights start, right?" You said, "Give me until then."

".. Fine. But the minute they come, I'm forcing you out."

You got in your stance, and then ran towards him. You threw a right hook, but he blocked. You threw a left, but he blocked. You swung your leg at him, but he blocked. Before you knew it, he was throwing some attacks himself.

It was all in slow motion when he threw his fist at you, but you caught it and threw a stiff left to his face. Luckily, he dodged. He swung his leg towards you before jumping back. You couldn't help but smile since he felt a little threatened.

"Whoa!" Yuno gaped from the sidelines, "Keep it up!"

In a blink of an eye he was bolting at you. He lifted his fist, about to attack.

A feint..?

He swiftly turned and slid an arm under your shoulder before hurling you forward.

No.. Not yet!

You crossed your arms over your chest and twirled in the air. He took a step closer in an attempt to counterattack, but now he was in your trap. In mid-air you pushed yourself to kick him square in the face before landing swiftly on a knee. He stumbled back, and caught himself before he fell. A loud howl erupted from the sidelines, and it was then you realized that a crowd of fighters were watching.

"You did it, (Y/n)! You hit him!" Yuno happily exclaimed before jumping up and down like a kid.

"I did..?"

Your mouth fell open when you met his gaze. One of his bandages had loosened, revealing a little of his lower face. Oh man, was he a lot more beautiful than you'd thought he'd be. But his features looked familiar—way too familiar to the point where you swore that you had met him before.

You blinked. His irises became a transparent grey, softer looking than the piercing stare he had planted on you a few moments ago. For the briefest moment  he was shorter, even younger looking—his eyes forming mischievous half moons as he smiled at you. You blinked again. But this time his stare returned to being like a knife piercing through you—hate and resentment clearly burning in his eyes. The short boy had disappeared, replaced by the guy who you had just fought.

With no particular reason you reached an arm out towards him, "Hey, you—"

But before you could remember what you wanted to say, a sharp pain attacked your head— and the boy vanished into thin air without a trace.

"Taehyung." Yuno put a hand on your shoulder as you looked at the empty spot on the mat where he once stood, "His name is Taehyung."

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What would you do if Kim Taehyung seduced you?

  CHAPPY QUESTION: What would you do if Kim Taehyung seduced you?

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Love, Kyte

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