Arc 27

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You yelped when something jumped from a nearby bush calling your name. But then you realized it was a familiar short, woman.

    "Melody!" You grinned, throwing your arms on her. "You're alright!"

    Over her shoulder you could see the certain frown of a raven-haired boy. In almost no time, he dragged you away from Melody and started flicking your forehead.

    "Ow!" You hissed at the multiple blows.

    His hand was trembling. "I-It's your fault for making me worry."

    Upon hearing his words you looked up at him. "Taehyung.."

    "Anyways, Kurapika." The raven-haired boy looked at the blonde. "We managed to locate the truck."

    The blonde nodded, a stoic expression on his face. "Lead the way."

    The bandits were stationed on either sides of the main road, watching from the hills of the valley. It was safe to say that the only way to get the truck back was by attacking one of their groups, and threatening them.

    You and Kurapika were making your way up on one side, Yutaro and Melody on the other. There were ten bandits peering over the cliff, all who were not aware of the danger that they couldn't sense behind them because of Zetsu.

    Kurapika gave you a nod, signalling that it was ok to attack. In a swift movement, your hand transformed into claws. You targeted a bandit, and chopped his arm off in a clean swipe.

    "K-KILL HER!"

    A bandit charged at you, twirling a knife in his hand before firmly grasping it and slicing at you. You ducked, using the side of your hand to hit a pressure point on his neck. A group of them came at you, all armed with knives. You jumped up before a strike could hit you, but a few of them had followed. They continued to throw blows, but because of your luck you were able to dodge all of them. Once back on the ground, you threw a rock at them, creating a smoke screen. Successfully, you had managed to knock them out.

    One was left standing, and Kurapika was questioning him.

    "Your comrades aren't dead, but they will be if you don't tell us where the truck of merchandise is." The blonde stated in a calm tone. "Where is it?"

    "Y-you're bluffing." The bandit's voice was wavering, beads of sweat running down his face.

    You showed him your frightening claw, still stained with the blood of the bandit you killed. "Are we?"

    "It's j-just down below! Now p-please don't kill me!"

    A chain was hanging from Kurapika's ring finger, at the end of it a black, shiny ball of metal. It didn't move, however. Your head tilted in confusion as you watched it disappear with a wave of his finger.

    "He's not lying. We should contact the others and tell them we found the truck." He said, walking past you.

    "Hey," You walked side by side with him. "What can that chain do?"

    "It can tell if you're lying." His black irises looked straight at you. "Why? Are you hiding something?"

    A chill jolted through your back. "O-of course not! Are you?"


    You sighed. "Whatever, let's just get the truck and head to Yorknew before the deadline."


— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —
Chappy Question:


Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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