Ch. 5: The First Mission

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The next morning they all met up at the clan hall. Everybody was in their adventure suits, which pretty much just looked like normal clothes. Emily wore a dark blue short sleeved shirt with a teal penguin design on the front, she also wore teal leggings and a teal skirt, she wore blue tennis shoes as well, and her spear was attached to her back. Sora was wearing a bright orange T-shirt with a fire symbol on the front, she had her hair in the same ponytail, she wore dark orange leggings and a bright orange skirt, she had on orange tennis shoes, and her duel axes attached to her sides. James wore a bright green jacket with a black wolf symbol on it, he had blue jeans, black sneakers, and bright green fingerless gloves with black horizontal lines, his shield attached to his back with his sword in its sheath. Amber had on black leggings with swirls of purple, her undershirt was black and she had on a black vest with a purple heart with an arrow through it on the right shoulder, the sleeves of her undershirt were just barely rolled up, her double sided blade attached to her back. And finally Chris, he was wearing a long vest, the end reached just above his ankles, he had on a dark purple undershirt and black jeans, his shoes were black with purple laces, his jacket had purple lines going through it, and his lance was folded up and attached to his back, on his right shoulder was a purple circle with a black lance in the middle.

"Well, are we ready to find a mission?" Chris asked.

"Yeah we are!" Emily exclaimed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Amber said.

"Why not." James put his hands behind his head.

"Yup." Sora said.

The group headed to the job list board in the back room. The list wasn't filled to every inch of the board, but there were a few good paying ones.

"How about killing some terrorizing Liekki?"

"Sounds good." Amber said.

"Yeah! Road trip!" Emily exclaimed.

Team Theta began walking down the path, reaching the edge of Lexure. They began walking on a dirt path. A couple hours passed by.

"Uuuuuuuuuugh, how much looooonger." Emily groaned.

"About another hour." Amber said.


"Calm down Em, try to find something fun to do while we wait." James said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Hm, maybe, uh.. I don't know."

Emily just frowned.

"Just think about this, when we get there you can kill some Liekki."

"Oh yeah!" And just like that Emily's face brightened and she began to skip on the dirt path.

They kept walking down the path, soon reaching their desired destination. Luckily, they arrived just in time for Liekki to begin terrorizing the villagers.

Emily readied her spear and lunged towards a Calore, but the Calore jumped to the side. Some Keki began running at the others, a Keki is a Liekki with a long lizard like body, although much bigger than a lizard with four eyes and very sharp fangs and a blade for a tail. Sora readied her axes and jumped towards two Keki. Amber pulled the double bladed sword from her back and ran at a Keki. Chris grabbed his lance and looked around seeing a Tiikerri walking towards a lady and her daughter. Tiikerri are tiger looking Liekki with black as a primary color and red stripes. the paws were huge with razor sharp claws, the beast was big on its own with fangs hanging out of its mouth, with a few smaller teeth hanging out as well. Chris lunged towards it. A Calore walked up to James. It looked down at him and he sheathed his sword and grabbed his shield. Emily used her speed to charge at a Calore and sliced off its head. Keki and Calore charged at her. Her spear transformed into a short sword and she began to slice them to pieces. Amber was fighting two Keki, she did a flip and cut ones arm off and landed on the ground slicing them both in half, she turned her blade into a bow and shot two Calore in the neck with two arrows shot at the same time. Sora had her axes in hand and she was slicing the two Keki like crazy. The two Keki were very nimble and managed to dodge some of Sora's attacks. The two beasts smacked Sora with the blades of their tails sending her flying, but she quickly recovered and lunged towards them using an explosive fire jump and sliced their heads off. James was fighting the Calore, he blocked the claws with his shield and swung his sword towards it, the Calore blocked the attack and smacked the sword to the side. James gasped and blocked with his shield and jumped to the side grabbing his sword. He looked at the Calore that was running at him, he threw his shield at his enemies head, the shield smacked it in the head hard and it's neck became open. James ran towards the beast and cut off it's head, he kneeled to the ground panting.

Chris stuck the tip of his lance in the Tiikerri's back. The Tiikerri roared and backed up from the family, Chris managed to guide the  beast away, well the best he could, which wasn't very great at all. He tried pulling out the lance, but it was stuck. He stayed like this for a minute, the Tiikerri tried bucking him off. He then realized that the lance had to be close to it's heart, but then he thought "Do these things even have a heart? What would you call it then? Their life source." He snapped out of it and tried thrusting the lance deeper into the beast but failed. He then turned his lance into a sniper and began shooting, over, and over, and over again until the beast fell over, Chris looked around to see all the other Liekki defeated. He smiled and jumped down. The townspeople were cheering, and a little boy ran up to Sora.

"How did you take that hit from those blades? He asked.

She gave an innocent smile. "Our soul can protect us, kind of like armor, but it can still break, and if it does we are vulnerable to attacks." She said.

"Cool." The boy smiled.

The little girl that Chris saved ran up to him and hugged his leg. "Thanks Mister!" She exclaimed before running back to her mom.

Sora walked over to James. "Are you alright?" She kneeled next to him.

James sighed, he finally recovered from his out of breath state. "Yup, perfectly fine."

"You know you can ask for help if needed."

"I'll make sure to do that next time." He looked her in the eyes and she gave him a sweet smile which caused him to blush slightly. Sora stood up and helped James up and they walked to the others.

"You were right James, that was worth the wait!" Emily said.

"Well I could use a drink!" Chris smiled.

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