Ch. 16: Team Lambda

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Vince was just getting up. He let out a yawn and pushed his black bangs out of his blue eyes. He began to get dressed in his black shirt and short with his copper colored vest. He let out a small sigh, his symbol was a scythe. When Vince walked out, he met with the rest of his team, Vermillion, Jake, Gliss, and Hailey.

Vermillion had scarlet red hair and green eyes, her attire being similar in color was a scarlet red shirt and green shorts, on her left arm was a spear symbol.

Jake had short brown hair, blue eyes, a yellow shirt, and baggy green pants, his symbol was three horizontal green lines.

Gliss had white hair, light blue eyes, white dress, and white heels, her symbol being a shield overlapping a vertical sword.

Hailey had long blonde hair, blue eyes, some freckles across her face, pink shorts and tank top, and a star locket, her symbol was a yoyo.

"About time you woke up!" Hailey yelled to Vince.

"We've been waiting five minutes." Ver stated.

"See! I've been bored for five whole minutes!"

"Would you calm down?!" Jake asked Hailey.

"Please?" Gliss said after Jake.

"Guys! Come on! Let's just go!" Vince yelled at them. His team nodded and they walked out.

They walked down the trail, and eventually broke off of it to head to their destination. A facility wad in a crater, but something felt different about it.

"Does anybody else have a weird feeling?" Jake asked.

"Oh yeah." Ver replied.

They began to walk, while going down, Jake tried flirting with Vermillion but failed only to have Gliss sigh and look away.

They walked to the entrance of the facility. The large metal door was open.

"It'" Vince questioned.

"That is very strange." Gliss replied.

"Get your weapons ready."

Vince pulled out his scythe and transformed it in to a machine gun. Ver pulled the spear from her back transforming it in to a rifle. Jake pulled the duel Uzis from his hips. Gliss pulled out her sword and shield. Hailey pulled out her large yoyo. The team began to walk through the halls. If the lights weren't completely off then they were flickering between light and dark.

In the halls were dead bodies of Black Lance soldiers scattered around, some sliced in half, heads sliced off, or heads smashed in.

Gliss's eyes widened. "What happened here..?"

"I don't know but stay alert." Vince said clenching the handles of his machine gun tighter.

They made their way to the control room. Ver sat down and started to type. Jake sat on a counter while Gliss leaned on it next to him. Vince watched Ver type as Hailey did cool tricks with her yoyo. Ver finished typing, a technological card popped out. Vince grabbed it and went to leave. Vince and the rest of his team looked down the hall. They saw a figure standing there watching them. The light flickered showing a hooded figure wearing a black cloak and a white skull mask.

"Hey! Do you have any idea what happened here?" Vince asked only to get no response.

"Not much of a talker huh?" Jake asked. The man stood there not saying a word.

"Maybe he's lost?" Gliss suggested.

"The piles of dead bodies, how silent he is, and his skull mask. That would be highly unlikely." Ver replied.

"If you don't speak then there will be trouble." Vince stated.

The man said nothing and began to walk towards them.

"Hey!" Vince yelled before looking at Hailey.

She pressed a button on her yoyo as blades came out of it and began spinning. She threw it at the man. He dodged pulling out his katana grabbing the string and cut it. He pulled on the string he was holding causing Hailey to get pulled towards him. Her eyes widened as the katana went through her.

"Hailey!" Vince yelled. Gliss covered her mouth. Ver and Jake's mouths dropped. Vince clenched his fists and activated his ability. He threw himself forward with a large blast. He transformed his machine gun in to its scythe form and swung it. The man blocked the blade and did a spin cutting Vince in half. The hood of the man's cloak fell down realizing silver hair and red eyes through his mask looking at the three left.

Jake clenched his hand around the handle of his Uzis. Gliss sighed and turned around kissing Jake. Jake was shocked at first but kissed her back. Gliss pulled back and ran towards the guy. Ver ran after her. Jake put up his Uzis and waited for the right moment. Gliss blocked the katana with her shield, and swung her sword. She thought she had a perfect hit, but she was stopped by the katana blocking the blade and moving down cutting part of her thumb and her hand with ease. Her eyes widened as he fell to her knees. The man was about to slash in to her head before being swung at by Vermillion. The man jumped back and looked at Ver who lunged at him with her spear. He dodged and grabbed the spear pulling it from her grasp, spinning it around, and slamming it in to her heart. Gliss panted holding her wrist.

"Gliss!" Jake yelled. He began running to her before his hand was pierced through and threw him in to the wall. His other hand was also thrown in to wall. His hands were stuck in the wall. Jake looked at the man who sliced Gliss in half vertically. Jake's eyes widened. He began to cry as the man walked up to him.

"How does it feel that you could do absolutely nothing to save your friends?" The man's voice was low and quiet.

Jake couldn't speak. His eyes were wide and tears were falling rapidly. The man sheathed his katana and walked out of the facility leaving Jake alive.

An hour passed as a few travelers walked by the facility and found Jake taking him to the nearest town for medical attention.

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