Ch. 29: Epsilon vs Sigma

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"Now! For the fourth round of the tournament!" Eugene smiled.

"This time Epsilon of Silver Sword and Sigma of Crimson Shield will be fighting!" Johnny yelled.

The two teams took stance as the randomizer spun once again. This time it landed on junkyard. The particles flew out and on to the shield creating a flat area with scrap metal all around. Liza smirked. Knowing Zoe's ability being polarity, they had the advantage.

The buzzer rang as the teams rolled in to cover.

"Bella!" Liza yelled looking to her green haired friend.

Bella nodded as she peered around the corner. Seeing nobody, she used her speed to move forward and behind another piece of metal.

Crista peeked out. "It seems nobody is making a move... Sarah move up."

Sarah gave a nod as she rolled out of cover. Suddenly, an arrow was shot just barely missing her. She looked around, but didn't find the person who shot. She rolled in to cover just as bullets began firing at her. "Damn... I'm pinned."

The bullets stopped as both teams jumped out fully, and ran at each other. Bella came from the side tackling Dakota, but Bella landed back on her feet. Bella turned around with a grin as Dakota stood up clenching her fists.

Liza shot at Christa with her rifle. Christa jumped behind cover pulling out her rapier. Liza made a swift motion of her hand causing a gust of wind to blow Christa out of cover. Christa puts her hand up and fires a laser at Liza. Catching her off guard, she gets sent back.

Meanwhile, Tãst was hidden anf toying with Sarah. "Where are you!" She yelled in frustration. More arrows shot at her. She transformed her war axe in to its rifle form, and began shooting everywhere. Tãst was forced to come out as he teleported behind Sarah and kicked her to the ground.

Ashley took stance with her short sword while facing Zoe. Zoe grew a smirk as she jumped at Ashley slashing her with her two swords. Ashley blocked it and jumped out of the way. A piece of metal was thrown at her. Not being able to dodge, she put her arms up to take the hit. She flew back and landed on her back, but quickly stood up again.

Alex had her blade in her hand while in combat with Sell. Sell did a spin and swung her long sword at Alex. Alex took the hit and was sent in to a piece of metal. Alex recovered as she blocked the attack from Sell.

Dakota jumped at Bella throwing a punch. Bella used her speed to run to the opposite side. "Over here!" She smirked turning her sword in to a shotgun and shot at Dakota. Dakota blocked it with her fists and ran at Bella again. She turned her shotgun in to its sword from and swung at Dakota. She caught the blade and swung it flinging Bella in to the ground. Bella weakly stood up as Dakota threw her weapon to the side. Bella gasped as she ran at her weapon and shot Dakota multiple times. Catching her off guard, Dakota ran at Bella. Dakota punched her in the gut as Bella shot her with her shotgun. The two flashed yellow at the same time.

Christa shot more lasers at Liza causing dust to appear. When the dust cleared, Liza was gone. Christa looked around as she came from above. Christa was barely able to block it with her rapier. Liza kicked Christa down knocking the rapier out of her hand. She turned her dagger to its rifle form and shot at her. She soon flashed yellow.

Ashley gasped as she saw this. "Christa!" She yelled. She looked back at Zoe. Zoe threw another piece of metal at Ashley. She ducked under it and moved her hand making light direct right in to her eyes making them close. Ashley turned her blade in to its rifle form and shot Zoe getting a direct head shot causing her to flash yellow. She then looked at Liza and jumped at her. She sliced Liza's chest. She then jumped at her again, but was cut short by a purple vortex portal appearing in front of her. She appeared in the sky and fell to the ground with a thud flashing yellow. Liza looked at Alex giving a nod of thanks.

Alex nodded back then returned her attention to Sell. Sell moved her hand up as spikes rose taking Alex out. Sell looked at Liza and tried doing the same. Liza jumped with a role looking at Sell.

Tãst shot at Sarah more. Sarah grew very frustrated at this point. "Stop moving!" She shot at him more. He dodged to the side the teleported by her and shot. She groaned as she flashed yellow. Tãst looked at Liza and Sarah. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and waited for the right moment. He shot and hit Sarah perfectly. She flashed yellow and fell to the ground.

"And Team Sigma moves on to the next round!" Eugene yelled as the crowd cheered.

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