Ch. 14: Team Upsilon

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Flynt sighed as he pulled his brown vest over his light blue T-shirt, he also had on blue jeans and black gloves, his right leg held his symbol, which was a plume of fire. He brushed his hand through his short blonde hair, his light blue eyes blinked. "Why do girls take so long to get ready..." Flynt walked down the hall to the girl's room. He opened it. "Come on! What's taking so lo-" he looked around to see the four girls looking at him, they weren't fully dressed, luckily nothing personal was showing. Flynt just blushed and quickly closed the door letting out a sigh. He went into the living room and sat down on the couch leaning his head back. The first to come out was Jenny, her symbol was three lines, her chestnut hair was long and curly, her eyes a dark, yet pretty, shade of blue. She had a black shirt with a purple vest, her leggings were black. After her, Hope came out, she had long, dark brown hair and green eyes, she had a lime green shirt on with blue shorts, a sprouting seed was on the left side of her blue shorts, she let out a yawn and grabbed a bag of chips. Daisy walked out with a smile on her face, she took in a deep breath, her hair was long, blonde, and curled at the ends, her eyes were a bright blue. She wore a yellow combat skirt with black ends, a flower was on the front of it. Alexis, or Lexi like everybody called her, had light blue eyes, along with her hair, she had a light blue T-shirt and skinny jeans, three blue circles on her shoulder.

Team Upsilon walked out and headed to the destination of their quest. While walking they come along a few Skugga, taking them out with no casualties. They walked up to a forest to see the trees were gigantic.

"Well... this is going to be hard to find..." Jenny said.

Flynt thought for a minute before raising his finger. "Lexi use your ability to disable the forest of illusions, Jenny use your gravity manipulation to look across the forest for the building, and when that's done, Hope use your plant manipulation to lead us straight there."

Lexi put her hands up as the air rippled, and she held her head after. Jenny jumped in to the air and activated her ability to defy gravity and plummet towards space, she looked across the area seeing a black building shimmer in the distance. She landed on the ground. "Approximately three miles south east." She said. Hope made the trees move forming a perfect trail there.

"Clever." Daisy said.

"Thanks." Flynt rubbed the back if his head and started walking as the rest followed.

They soon made it to the concealed facility. Flynt scouted out the area before running inside with the others. They ran around the area stealthily and after awhile found a computer. Flynt hopped in to the chair, popped in a hard drive, and started to type. The alarms were set off. "Just buy me time!" He yelled. The four girls nodded and ran towards the door that was being flooded by guards.

Jenny pulled the thick bat off of her back and swung it smacking a few of them to the ground, her ranged variant was too powerful for this close of combat. Hope pulled out her shotgun and pumped it, she started firing at multiple enemies. Daisy squinted her eyes and a small grin formed on her face, she took the short sword out of the sheath and swung, she cut a few members in half and stabbed some more before multiple enemies began to charge at her. She pressed a button and the blade of her sword took a curved figure, a handle on the end of the handle popped out, she grabbed the handle and swung it in a circle, the string being durable, she took them out. Lexi pulled the duel blue pistols from each side of her hips, she began to fire, two blades on each gun folded out when she got close and she killed a guard, a guard came up behind her. The curvature blade from Daisy slammed into the man throwing him back.

"How much longer!" Hope asked dodging bullets.

"Almost!" Flynt paused. "Done!"
He pulled the hard drive and placed his feet on the computer jumping off of it doing a back flip, Flynt pulled the concealed three-section staff from behind his vest, the large part of the staff had two triggers on it, the two smaller parts having holes on the ends. The chains for the smaller parts folded into the larger portion forming a bow staff. Flynt hit the enemies to the ground, blocked gun fire while spinning it rapidly. The two smaller portions folded out, he placed his pointer fingers on the triggers, and began to move the center portion in a circular motion. The smaller sections spun rapidly and he pulled the triggers sending out shotgun bullets into the enemies faces. Flynt folded up the three-section staff and cupped his hands around his mouth. He sent fire from his mouth towards the enemies. The four girls were also attacking the enemies, Jenny jumped on to the roof making it a solid surface for her while killing them, Hope couldn't use her ability, the metal was too thick to get any plants through, Lexi used her pistols to shoot enemies, Daisey jumped off of enemies doing back flips and all sorts of acrobatic menouvers, to escape and harm her enemies. Flynt looked at the wall and used his fire breath to melt the metal, parts of tree logs came rushing in smacking into the guards as the team fled the area. Hope made a tall plant grow from the ground to block the enemies from getting out as the team ran off.

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