Ch. 7: The Meeting

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Chris woke up early the next day. He stretched and walked out of the room he shared with James, who was passed out on his bed. He walked out of the room and slowly closed the door and looked at the next room, which was the room that the three girls shared. He walked down the hall to the living room. He looked around yawning and stretching. He looked around to see Amber sitting on the couch and Sora in the kitchen, both looking at him. Amber quickly looked away with a slight blush. Chris looked down realizing he had no shirt, he blushed softly and turned around going back to his room and grabbing a black T-shirt. He then walked back out.

"What are you doing up so early?" Amber asked.

"I didn't sleep very well, and when I woke up, I couldn't fall asleep." Chris sighed.

"I see."

"What are you doing up?"

"I've always gotten up early."

"Oh." Chris looked at the kitchen as Sora poked her head out.

"Breakfast is ready." She said with a smile.

A little bit of time passed, James and Emily walked out of their rooms, Emily was wearing a penguin onesie and James was just wearing green shorts and a green shirt. As soon as James walked into the kitchen his face lit up from the smell of syrup and French toast. They all sat down at the table that was set by Sora. James was the first to take a bite, everyone watched him closely as he stuck the piece of French toast covered in syrup in to his mouth. As soon as it touched his tongue his eyes grew wide.

Sora frowned. "Is it ba-" she was interrupted by James shoveling the food into his mouth. She then looked around to see her friends also shoveling the food into their mouths. "Slow down! You'll choke!" She worriedily exclaimed.

When they were all done James had the largest grin on his face. "Sora! I had no idea you could cook!"

Sora blushed softly. "I also enjoy baking."

"What like pie?" James looked at her.


"You'll have to make me one sometime, ok?"

After breakfast they all got dressed in their adventure clothes and walked to the clan hall. When they walked in they saw the place was very crowded. Teams were sitting at tables, it seemed there was only one table left. Sora, James, Amber, and Emily sat at the table as Chris walked up to the counter seeing Harper, two males, one muscular and the other slim, and another female.

"Harper, what's going on?"

Harper smiled as the the muscular man walked up and hugged her from behind as the other two talked. "The clan meeting, clan meetings take place here, since this is the largest hall, all the Teams gather here when something big needs to happen."

"And who are they?" Chris asked referring to the others.

"Oh! Where are my manners, this is Ryan." She pointed to the man wrapped around her. "My boyfriend." She smiled. "And the other two are Sam and Sarah."

"Right, thanks Harper." He flashed her a smile and walked to the table and sat down next to Amber.

A few minutes later Clark walked up with three more people behind him. "Quiet down everyone!" He said.

The clan went silent as everyone looked towards Clark and the others. "For those of you who are new. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Clark, behind me are my associates Leon, Alice, and Abby, the clan leaders. As most of you may know we have a fifth clan. Lance Black, the leader of Black Lance, has been corrupted by the darkness."

"A bit ironic huh?" Emily whispered.

Clark continued. "The reason we are having this meeting is to send each team on a mission to find more information on the Black Lance. They have become surprisingly active lately. Your missions will be set by your clan leader. Dismissed." He said as he and the others walked off.

About an hour passed when Team Theta was called up to Clark's office. They walked in. "Ah, Team Theta."

"What is our mission sir." Chris asked.

"Clark, Chris, I am not your superior."

"Right, sorry."

"Your mission is simple, do you remember that hideout you told me about?"

"Yeah, I do."

"It seems a bit odd to be in such an open place, right?"

"I guess, I mean it doesn't make any sense."

"I am sending you and your team on a scouting mission. Find out what they are doing in that location and try your best to avoid all trouble in that compound."

Chris nods and walks out. Him and his team walked downstairs seeing all the other teams scattered around. "I wonder what missions all of them are doing."

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