Ch. 28: Omega vs Delta

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"Hello everybody and welcome back to the tournament!" Eugene yelled.

"That's right! Today we will be watching the fight between the beloved Team Delta of Cobalt Axe and the newest team today Team Omega!" Johnny shouted.

The crowd roared in excitement. The two teams walked up. The leader of Team Omega, Fleck Tiger, had black hair and gray eyes. He had on a black cloak with the hood up, black pants, black shoes, and black fingerless gloves. His symbol was a black tiger face.

Amanda Willow, she had blue eyes, and half her hair was red and the other half was black. It reached her shoulders and curled at the ends. She wore a black T-shirt with her red black widow design in the front, a black skirt, and black heels. Her symbol was a black widow spider.

Next up was Alexander Cocker. His hair was long and black continued his yellow eyes, a grin spread across his face. He wore a white shirt, a black closed vest, black pants, and black combat boots. His symbol was a circle shattered into pieces.

Clexa Valty had long black hair with red streaks covering one of her green eyes. She had on a black dress that was open on one side in the skirt part, she had on black heels. Her symbol was a whip.

Last but not least, Vex Treaker. He had on a a black mask, his face was not seen, only red eyes peered out. His hair was messy and black. He also had on a black robe, the sleeves rolled up to just above his elbows, black pants, and black sneakers. His symbol was a diagonally cut triangle.

This was Team Omega.

Delta took stance as the randomizer spun. It stopped on the volcanic area. The particles came out and spread across the area forming a few small volcanos and some geysers.

Fleck smirked as the buzzer rang to start. He pulled pulled out his bladed boomerangs and threw them at Derek. Derek jumped to the side dodging one, but was hit by the other. A shadow figure rose from behind Derek, it was small, like a cute goblin, but it had no face. It was just black. Derek sliced it in half as Fleck jumped at him. He blocked the attack with his sword.

Mallory sealed her lips around her whistle and blew, sending waves of sound towards Vex. He disappeared, and appeared behind her kicking her to the ground. She jumped off her hands and landed on her feet. She turned around finding Vex gone. She gasped as she felt a blade hit her back sending her flying. She stood up to see Vex, a large black blade rested on his shoulder. She looked at the leader board seeing half her soul shield was gone.

Sook swung his war hammer down on Alexander. Alexander dodged by jumping up and on to Sook. He kicked Sook in the back of the head doing a back flip, and landing on the ground, still with his grin. He turned his blade in to a shotgun and shot at Sook. Sook jumped back. Alexander chuckled and shot and started to run the opposite way.

Amanda walked towards Tracey. She pulled the two pistols from her hips and started shooting. Tracey activated her rocket boots to fire herself up in to the air. Amanda chuckled as she shot the blades from below the barrel of the gun. The shot, a durable rope holding them as they wrapped around Tracey's ankles. Amanda pulled Tracey down making her slam in to the ground. "Alright... guess the sky won't work for this battle..." Tracey said as she hovered. Amanda pulled back the blades and they clipped into place.

Matt was staring down Clexa. She laughed as she pulled out her two whips throwing them at Matt. The blades on the ends of them came close to hitting him, but he jumped back. Clexa stuck the blades in to the ground and back up. She jumped slingshoting herself forward, and kicking Matt in the gut hard. He flew in to a wall, then turned his axe in to its AK47 form, and started shooting. Clexa formed a thick water wall, thick enough to slow the bullets to a stop, but it didn't last long due to the heat from the volcanic area.

Fleck jumped back kicking Derek in the face causing him to stumble back. Derek shot a few lasers with his sword. Fleck dodged them and lunged towards Derek kicking him in to the wall. Be dropped his sword. Derek didn't have time to react as Flecks boomerangs pinned him to the wall. Fleck chuckled as he picked up Derek's sword. He looked at it then did a spin slicing his chest causing his soul shield to deplete entirely.

"Out with his own weapon! How embarrassing!" Eugene said.

Vex lunged at Mallory slamming his sword in to her. She jumped to the side making his blade stick in to the the ground. Mallory took in a deep breath, about to seal her lips on the whistle before being punched in the gut. The wind was knocked out her her, and she flew through a wall, she flashed yellow.

"Things do not look good for Team Delta!" Johnny yelled through the speakers.

Sook ran after him. Sook put is pointer and middle finger to the temple of his head and looked to the side seeing a boulder. He picked it up with his mind and threw it at Alexander. Alexander slid on the ground under the rock.  He then stopped and turned around looking at Sook. Sook ran up to him, about to slam his hammer into him. Alexander put his hand up to stop him. Sook tilted his head, and Alexander pointed down. He looked down to see he was standing on a geyser. Alexander waved 'bye' as Sook was blasted in to the air. He hit the ground with a thud causing a crater. He flashed yellow.

Tracey lunged towards Amanda. Amanda smirked as she dodged to the side and attached to Tracey, spinning around her and slamming her in to the ground. Amanda landed on her chest and aimed the pistol at her head, and shot, making her soul shield drop.

Matt swung his axe at Clexa, but she dodged. She jumped in to the air and kicked him in the face. She wrapped her whips around him and flung him in to the air. She whipped him multiple times. He hit the ground and flashed yellow.

The crowd was in awe. Their soul shields barely depleted at all.

"Team Omega proceeds to the next round!" Eugene yelled.

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