Ch. 22: The Capture Game

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When they got there, Amber and Chris were sitting on the couch. Amber was leaning on Chris.

"What happened with you two?" James asked.

"We're dating... heh..." Chris said blushing softly. Amber pecked his cheek.

"Who's he?" Chris asked referring to Roxas.

Sora smiled. "Chris, this is Roxas, my brother, Roxas this is Chris, the leader of Team Theta."

"Brother huh?"

Roxas let out a nod. He pulled the thick great sword off of his back, and placed it on the ground leaning the handle against the wall. He took off his brown cloak, and hung it up. He was slightly muscular, he had a dark gray short sleeved shirt. Above that a chest plate and shoulder plates. He had blue jeans. He sat in a chair.

Amber looked at him then sighed. She told her team about Mace. They were all shocked, except for Emily who wasn't paying attention.

Sora smiled. "It's the past, we'll deal with it when he comes."

Amber nodded.

Roxas squinted at her. "Well I better go."

"Already!?" Sora frowned.

"Yes, I have a meeting. I'll be back before you know it." He gave her s reassuring smile. He grabbed his cloak and sword walking out the door.


Aris was sitting outside a bar, across the street from the Silver Sword clan hall. He was smoking a cigar as Team Eta walked out. He threw the cigar on the ground stomping it out. He pulled out a small radio. "You in position?" He asked quietly.

"Yes sir." A goon responded.

"They're headin home." Aris said. He followed them from across the street. Hayden had an arm around  Jessica causing her to blush softly. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald were walking behind them. They made it home. Aris sat on a bench, and watched from across the street.

A Black Lance goon came up to the front door and knocked. Hayden answered. "Hello?" He was then kicked in the gut getting slammed in to a wall. Jessica leaped from the couch with her machete in hand. The man kicked the machete out of her hand, grabbed her by the neck, and threw her in to the kitchen.

Hayden stood up. "Don't hurt her!" He yelled as his body came covered in lightning. He bolted towards him making the wall behind him crack. The man waited, his metal gloves bulked out as he punched Hayden in the gut sending him to the floor. He then kicked him in to the wall making it shatter. Sapphire pulled out her sword, and sent a blue wave at him. He slid under the wave as he tripped Sapphire. He grabbed her leg while she was on the ground, and threw her at the charging Ruby. They both went flying. Emerald stood up grabbing his chainsaw.

He revved it up and slowly walked towards the man. The man took a fighting stance. He ran at Emerald, he kicked the chain to the side, and punched it out of his hand. Emerald attempted to punch him. The man grabbed his hand, and flipped him around pinning him to the ground with his foot. He then slammed his foot down knocking Emerald out.

Hayden stood up. He was injured, and he flashed yellow. He clenched his fists and covered himself in lightning. Aris walked through the door, and rolled his eyes. "You do not know when to quit do you?"

Hayden ran at the man, and managed to get a few hits in his rage mode. Aris groaned as the man hit Hayden down hard, causing him to get knocked out.

"Just get them in the copter." Aris said.


"Where exactly does he work?" Amber asked referring to Roxas.

"I believe he works with the Clan Masters." Sora said putting a finger up.

"What!?" Amber yelled.

Sora jumped. "What?"

"Im ruined!" Amber facepalmed.

"What do you mean?"

"He's going to tell them about my relations with Mace! I'll get kicked out!"

Sora frowned and looked down. "Oh. I... I am sorry."

"Amber, they won't kick you out, i guarantee it." Chris said reassuring her.

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