Ch. 26: Theta vs Phi

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"Hello ladies and gentlemen to the Melanzana Clan Tournament! I am your host Eugene Bone, and this is my partner Johnny Hork!" Eugene smiled as the stadium was full of people. No seats were empty, it was completely full.

"The first match of this year will be Team Theta of Crimson Shield versus Team Phi of Gold Bow!" Johnny shouted threw the speakers.

Team Theta stood in the north doorframe fully equipped and ready for battle. Phi was then exact same, but on the south doorframe. Eugene pressed a button as the screen started switching through different landscapes. It finally stopped on the forest icon.

A compartment opened from under the screen as particles came out and scattered across the area making the forest landscape with a lot of actual trees.

"3!" The announcers yelled.

The teams took a fighting stance.


"Alright team, take cover when we start." Chris said.

"1! Go!"

Team Theta hid behind trees. One person to a trunk. Chris's guandoa transformed in to its sniper form as he knelt down to scout out the area. He peeked from behind the tree. No sign of them until Alex walked in to view with her head down. Chris was confused at first, but shook it off.

"Chris! In the trees!" James yelled as he backed away from the tree he was against.

Chris looked up to see Fawn jump down at him with her machete. Chris rolled out of the way turning it into its guandoa form.

James blocked Dustyn's sword with his shield and kicked him back. "Right. Remember what Sora taught you." He thought as he breathed slowly.

Sora jumped over one of Lucas's swords as she blocked the other with her axes. Lucas took this opportunity to kick her in the side.

Sasha lunged at Amber with her katana, and gave a swing. Amber blocked the attack with her blade. She took a swing of her own as Sasha jumped back just barely missing the blade.

Emily walked out in to the small opening that Alex was standing in. Emily smirked as she took a running stance and charged at Alex. Alex folded out her mechanical arms and charged at Emily.

"Ah! It seems Team Phi used the distraction tactic!" Johnny said with a smile.

James narrowed his eyes at the enemy. Dustyn used his ability to make a dust storm to try and blind James, but he blocked his eyes. Dustyn saw the opportunity, and kicked him in to a tree. James recovered and jumped at Dustyn swinging his sword. Dustyn blocked and tried pulling a swing. James blocked, and once again kicked Dustyn back. This time he threw his shield at him and smacked him in the face throwing him off balance. James grew a smirk of confidence, but that wad quickly wiped away as his shield came back, and smacked him in the face.

Sora did a spin to dodge his attack as she swung hitting him in the leg. Lucas groaned softly. Sora looked at James as Dustyn was about to slam his sword on him. She looked back at Lucas, and jumped out of the way of his attack. She then used her fire to blast her leg forward sending Lucas in to Dustyn. Their lips met as they flew in to the ground.

Lucas, who was on top of Dustyn, pulled back with a smile. "That's one way to kiss."

Dustyn blushed softly as he pushed Lucas off of him. They stood up and took a stance. James and Sora right across from them.

"An impressive formation by Sora Inferno!"

Chris jumped at Fawn and slammed then blade of his weapon in to the ground. Fawn jumped back. She turned her blade in to its pistol form, and shot  at Chris. He rolled to behind a tree. Amber saw this from a distance as she pushed Sasha back making her stumble, and land on her butt. Amber shot an arrow at Fawn. It hit her but didn't impale due to her soul shield. She growled as she turned her attention towards Amber. Chris got the jump on her, but Fawn was skilled and kicked him in the gut sending him across the area. She then focused back on Chris, and walked towards him.

Emily jumped over Alex, and stuck out her tongue. She knocked one of the arms to the side as Alex lost balance. Alex fell on her back before throwing an arm at Emily, but she dodged it. Alex gained back her balance, and threw  more arms at her. Emily kept dodging in the weirdest positions. Alex panted softly as Emily had the tip of her spear in the ground, and she was leaning on it as if it were a sturdy wall. "Really?" Emily giggled.

Alex grew frustrated. Emily met put the flammable air, and jumped over to Sora. "Sora!" Emily yelled.

Sora put her hand in a gun, and shot as a fireball shot out hitting the area causing an explosion. Alex's soul shield dropped to zero.

"Oh and it seems Team Theta gains the upper hand!" Eugene stated.

Sasha groaned lightly and flipped her sword around so the feather was by her face. Amber tilted her head in confusion as Sasha motioned her figure to come here. Amber just left the ground as Sasha tickled her nose with the feather. Amber grew closer and closer, and Sasha's face grew weirder and weirder. As Amber got in Sasha's face about to swing her sword down. Sasha sneezed. Her sneeze being so powerful it blew Amber threw some trees and in to a wall where her soul shield dropped. It took out half her soul shield. Sasha was sent back a bit as she rubbed her nose. She regained her conscious, and ran to go fight.

"And it looks like it's now a tie!" Johnny yelled.

Lucas and Dustyn jumped at Sora and James. James swung his sword, but too early. Lucas kicked him back, and they both ran at Sora. James stood up shaking his head. He looked at Sora. She was taking on the two guys relatively well. Sora was caught of guard, and she was kicked in the gut. She stumbled back holding her stomach. James caught her before she fell, and brought her to her feet. Sora grew a small blush as she took a quick stance, and jumped at the two. Lucas gripped the handles of his blades.

Chris jumped at Fawn swinging his guandoa. She blocked the attack with her machete and swung at Chris. He jumped back, and turned his weapon in to a sniper. He quick scoped Fawn. The bullet went towards her head as she ducked under the bullet. Chris tried sniping her more, but she blocked the bullets with her machete. Chris groaned as he jumped at her with the guandoa form. This caught Fawn off guard as she was hit back. She growled, and lunged at Chris. He dodged,  and kicked her down. He swung his guandoa around him, and hit her in the gut. She flew into a tree. Chris walked up to her. "Never let your anger get the best of you." He said before kicking her in the gut. She was already weak, her soul shield was nearly depleted before the kick. It hit, and she flashed yellow.

"And we are down to three on four!"

Sasha kicked Emily in the stomach. Emily stumbled back a bit. She regained her stance, and turned her spear to its short sword form. She swung at Sasha, but she blocked with her katana. They fought like this for a bit as Emily grew tired Emily slowed down giving Sasha a chance to kick her down and slam her blade on her. Emily's soul sheild dropped. Sasha and Chris looked at eachother. Chris jumped back to Sora and James.

"Lucas! Dustyn! Dust Bunny!" Sasha yelled at the two.

Lucas nodded as he kneeled to the ground, and sprung up going several feet in to the air. He came down fast and hard, slamming in to the ground causing a small indent. A load of dust appeared around him as Dustyn spun it in a circle and sent it at the three remaining Team Theta members. Chris put a bubble force field around them. Chris held it for awhile, and it drained his power. He fell to one knee as the force  field flickered off. Sora began to stomp the ground. Lucas and Dustyn looked at eachother before Dustyn sent another dust tornado at them. Sora smirked as she blasted a small fore ball forward just enough to send the dust particles back towards its sender.

Sora dispersed the flame.

Lucas and Dustyn ducked and stood back up. "Ha! You missed!" They said in unison. Sora grabbed James and Chris and ran the opposite way. "Hey get back here!" They yelled again.


"What is that?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure." Dustyn replied.


"Wait..." Dustyn turned around. The dust was surrounding Sasha.

"Oh son of a-" Lucas said before Sasha sneezed sending all of them back and in to some trees, making their soul shields drop.

"And looks like our first victory goes to Team Theta!" Eugene yelled as the crowd cheered.

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