Ch. 35: Celebration

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The tournament ended with Omega getting first, Eta second, and Zeta third. Now, there was a small party in the three teams' honor. Most of the other team went back to their clan halls. Emily was complaining and whining because they didn't win.

"C'mon Em.. it was only our first year. We'll get em next time." James reassured.

"It was their first too!" Emily complained.

Sora was sitting by them. A sigh escaped her lips as she watched the couples dance. In the crowd of couples, Chris and Amber danced with smiles on their faces. Emily smirked whispering something into James's ear. James turned red and stood up walking over to Sora. "Hey... Sora.."

"Hello James." She smiled softly.

"You... uh... look great..." James said rubbing the back of his head.

"But I always wear this." Sora said blushing a bit.

A slow song came on making James blush more. "So.. uh... I was wondering...."

"Yes?" Sora asked in confusion.

"Do... you wanna dance?"

Sora blushed a bit, but nodded as James extended his hand. She happily took it and the two went to dance.

Emily clapped at they did. She then saw the table of food and her eyes sparkled. She ran over to the food and began shoveling it into her mouth. When asked to stop, she didn't, and ended up getting thrown out.


Hayden groaned softly.

"Don't worry. Second place isn't all that bad." Jessica said.

"We've gotten second for the past two years...."

"Still... better then not ranking!" Jessica grinned.

"Oh!" Hayden yelled as he jumped up, realizing a slow song came on. He turned to Jessica and bowed extending his hand. "Would my princess like to dance?"

"H-Hayden!" Jessica yelled quietly, and looked around blushing from embarrassment. She smiled softly and took his hand.

Sapphire kissed Ruby's cheek. Ruby turned red, and Sapphire smiled.


"Hm... I wonder why Team Zeta didn't come..." Chris asked Amber as they danced. "They seemed like the party type."

"I wouldn't classify this as a party they would attend. They seem more... 'reckless and intoxicating drinks' type party." Amber said.

"Hm... you're probably right."

"Now shut up and kiss me."

Chris grinned as he softly kissed Amber.


"Sir, are you sure. Mace is a very hard individual to find." Corker stated.

"I don't care how you find him, just bring him here! He killed an entire team, which we were going to do anyways, and got them into a clan. We need him." Lance ordered. "Aris!"

Aris just groaned loudly as he walked off.


James and Sora looked each other in the eyes. They gulped as they both blushed softly.

"James I...." Sora began, but stopped herself.

The two puckered their lips and closed their eyes. Their lips inches apart.


Clark sighed. "Why.. why would there be a build up of Liekki and Skugga across the border of Lexure..."

"It doesn't make sense." Leon said as he was a hologram, as was Alice and Abby.

Suddenly, a mysterious hologram appeared. "Are you ready?" It asked.

"Who is th-.... L-Lance.." Abby gulped.

"Ready for what..?" Alice asked.


Chris walked up to Fleck. "Hey good job out there!" Chris grinned.

"Thanks." He said, his voice bland.

"I look forward to next time! In the tournament. We'll fight next year no matter what!" Chris said with confidence.

Fleck just laughed. "There won't be a next time."

"What do you mean?" Chris asked.

Suddenly an explosion was heard, and sirens began to go off. Sora and James never kissed as they pulled back lookout around. Fleck smirked as he looked at Chris.

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