Ch. 21: Finding Amber

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The next morning, Team Theta had breakfast, all of them except Chris ate, they then got equipped. Chris placed Amber's weapon on his back along with his. He let out a sigh as they walked out of the door to search for their friend.

"Maybe we should split up." Sora suggested.

"Good idea, we can cover more area." Chris said. The team nodded and parted ways.

Emily was walking through the town. "Hm... where would Amber be...?" She looked around. Suddenly her stomach rumbled. "Guess I didn't get enough to eat for breakfast." She looked around for a food shop. Emily saw an all-you-can eat buffet. She grew a smile. "I'm sure they'll be fine without me..." She said running in to the buffet.

Sora was walking around. "Hello, have you seen a girl with black hair with purple tips walk by at all?" She asked multiple people the same question, but got the same no response from them all. She let out a sigh, and looked across the street. She saw James. It looked like he was having the same luck as she did. When their eyes met, she gave a smile and waved. James ran over to her.

"Any luck?" He asked.

"Sadly, no." She looked down.

James looked a small distance to see a figure in a brown cloak looking at them. When James saw them, they quickly turned going down an ally way. "Hey!" James yelled running after them. Sora was confused at first, but ran after the person.

Chris was walking around the city. He came to a complete stop. "No, she wouldn't be in the city. Too much people." Chris turned around and ran for the forest. Once he made it there, he started to walk around. "Amber!? You anywhere around here!?"

Amber heard him. She was in a cave near him. She didn't want to say anything, but something inside of her forced her too. "Over here!" She yelled. Her voice sounded scratched as if she had been crying.

Chris ran towards the sound of her voice.

James and Sora made it to the ally. The figure was walking down it.

"Amber if that's you!"

"James, I don't think that's Amber...." Sora said.

"What? How do you know?"

"That's too tall for Amber."

James looked at the figure. "Then who are you?" James said sternly.

The figure turned around, and let out a small huff. They pulled down the hood to their brown cloak. It was a man, he was muscular. His hair was short and red, his eyes a shade of blue, and he had very short facial hair. Sora smiled. "Roxas?" She hugged the man.

"Uh, you know him?" James asked.

"James! This is my older brother, Roxas!" She said excitedly.

"Amber, you can't just run out like that." Chris said sitting next to her.

"They're dead because of me." She said as she began to cry again, but Chris calmed her down.



"Amber, what do you mean..?"

She took a deep breath. "Chris, I know who killed them."

"Really? Who?"

"His name is Mace."

"How do you know him?"

"He's my ex."

Chris just blinked. "Well I can see why you guys broke up.." Chris said.

"My parents were killed by the Black Lance when I was young. At the orphanage, I had little friends there. Then I met Mace. He was so sweet and kind, but something changed. He became different. When we were old enough to live on our own, we tried it. But he... he became vicious. He never hurt me, but he killed so many innocent people.." She began to tear up. "I couldn't be apart of his life anymore. Then after a while of being alone. I met you." By the end of this she was in tears. Chris put an arm around her. She was a bit shocked at first, but let it happen.

"Well, you're part of Team Theta now. The past is the past."

Amber hugged him tightly. Chris grew a soft blush, and hugged her back. "Amber, how did you kill them?"

"I could of killed him, Chris. But I didn't, because I was weak."

"We should get back to the others.."

"Soon." Amber said.

"Hey, Amber...?" Chris asked nervously.

"Yes?" She pulled back from hugging him and looked him in the eyes.

"Would you mind it if I kissed you?"

Amber blushed softly before leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Brother?!?" James exclaimed.

"Yep." Roxas said crossing his arms. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"Roxas, this is James. He's part of Team Theta." Sora said smiling.

"I see, I'm guessing you're the leader?"

"I am not, that's-" James was cut off.

"I wasn't talking about you." Roxas stated then looked back at Sora.

"Actually, Chris Vekker is our leader."

"And where is he?"

"We split up. One of our members ran off, and we are looking for her."

Roxas let out another huff. "How great of a leader."

"Come on!" Sora said grabbing her brothers hand and attempting to drag him. Which Roxas made her think she was even though he was doing most of the work. James followed after them. James looked across the street to see Emily being thrown out of a buffet.

"And stay out!" The manager yelled slamming the door.

James ran over to her, followed by Sora and Roxas. "What happened now?" James asked Emily helping her up.

She crossed her arms. "They shouldn't call it an all-you-can-eat if they can't supply all the food you need."

"Didn't you have breakfast?"

"Yeah so?"

James just facepalmed. "Nevermind." Suddenly, James's chrome bleeped, then Sora's, then Emily's. It was a message from Chris saying: 'Found her'.

"We should get home." James suggested as the three walked to their house.


"Sir! Look at this." Corker said.

Lance walked over. "What is it?"

"The files. They have something known at Oris.project."

Lance smirked. "Clark, he kept it. Unbelievable."

"If I can get in to this then we can add another part to the plan."

"Do it." Lance said smirking.

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